The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+

EP 91: Reiki for Lyme Warriors with Inner Child Healing Specialist Bianca Crino

February 15, 2022 Mimi MacLean
EP 91: Reiki for Lyme Warriors with Inner Child Healing Specialist Bianca Crino
The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
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The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
EP 91: Reiki for Lyme Warriors with Inner Child Healing Specialist Bianca Crino
Feb 15, 2022
Mimi MacLean

Reiki is a powerful tool for Lyme warriors and others suffering from chronic illnesses. It is a way to tap into our inner child and trauma in order to reconcile with our emotions and allow our bodies to heal. This week, Bianca Crino, a Polish Reiki practitioner, health coach, and Lyme warrior joined me to talk about her journey and how she is helping chronic warriors get to the root causes.

Bianca reminds people of the true power within, allowing them to show up authentically in the world while guiding others for the root cause of their illness.

I put together a Free Detox for Lyme Checklist for you. Click here to get your copy:

To learn more about our podcast guest, click here:

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Show Notes Transcript

Reiki is a powerful tool for Lyme warriors and others suffering from chronic illnesses. It is a way to tap into our inner child and trauma in order to reconcile with our emotions and allow our bodies to heal. This week, Bianca Crino, a Polish Reiki practitioner, health coach, and Lyme warrior joined me to talk about her journey and how she is helping chronic warriors get to the root causes.

Bianca reminds people of the true power within, allowing them to show up authentically in the world while guiding others for the root cause of their illness.

I put together a Free Detox for Lyme Checklist for you. Click here to get your copy:

To learn more about our podcast guest, click here:

If you enjoy this podcast, please help support the podcast by purchasing some of my favorite products on the shop page.  Lyme 360 receives a small percentage for the sale of each item.  Thank You for your support, I really appreciate it!

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Welcome to the Lyme 360 Podcast, for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I'm Mimi MacLean, mom of five, founder of Lyme 360 and a fellow Lyme warrior. Tune in each week to hear from doctors, health practitioners, and experts to learn about their treatments, struggles and triumph, to help you on your healing journey. I'm here to heal with you.

This week's podcast is brought to you by Air Oasis. As a Lyme warrior, I know how important it is to have clean air in the home. I've been using a room air purifier, but recently had to purchase an all-home unit to combat mold issues throughout house. I did some research and found a great company called Air Oasis. Their air purifiers help fight bacteria, viruses, and mold. If you have not put in an air purifier into your home, go to They carry room units as well as entire home units.

Hi, welcome back to the Lyme 360 Podcast. This is your host, Mimi MacLean. Today I have on Bianca from Poland. She's a health and mindset coach specializing in, but not limited to, Lyme, chronic illnesses, parasites, and gut health. She's also a certified Reiki instructor and specializing in inner child healing. Bianca reminds people of the true power within, allowing them to show up authentically in the world, while guiding others for the root cause of their illness. Thank you so much, Bianca, for coming on.

To get my detox for Lyme checklist, go to

Bianca, thank you so much for coming on today. I really appreciate it, fellow Lyme warrior. You've now made it your practice to help others. I love how you are specializing in Reiki, because I have not had anybody on to talk about that. I really want to focus on that and the other areas that you specialize in. But if you could tell us, I think you said you were six years into your journey, which is what I am, based on what you've gone through, what would you say is the thing that got you better? I know there's so many things, but if someone were to call you today and say, "I have Lyme, what should I do?" where would you steer them? We all know the mistakes we've made and what we should avoid. How do you get them from zero to six years quicker? If that makes sense.

Yeah, for sure. I think it's a mix of so many different areas and it does depend on the individual. I feel like more coaches are so needed in our industry as well, because we know what happens with doctors not being educated in tick-borne illness. But if I was to say one thing, I definitely couldn't say in particular, because the way that I did it was completely backwards to how I teach people now, which is so interesting.

But if I was to say where to start, it would be finding someone that can help you with mindset. I know that can be a complete slap in the face for some people because I feel like my story was very much that I was traumatized by the doctors themselves telling me that it was a mind problem. It definitely isn't, but I feel like we need to set up a visualization of how you want your future, because you can't start to heal when you don't know where to go.

So having that vision, number one, for sure. Then I would go into things like detox, of course, understanding how to detox the body at every level, because if we're mobilizing toxins around on the body, they're going to end up in tissues and different places in the body, which is going to cause more of an issue. I'd be checking to make sure that you don't have any issues with B vitamins and that all your detox system is really flowing. There's six different areas that you should be looking at, the liver, the bowels, binding the toxins, renal support and liver support as well, bile support. All of that stuff, it has to be flowing first.

Then I would go into actually treating it, but I'd be looking at it very differently. I'd be looking at it as a physical body and an emotional body, what's going on in two areas. Then I would go to what's going on in your physical environment. Are you living in mold? Do you have any of these allergies that could be causing more of an issue? Then what is your physical-emotional life like? Are you in toxic relationships? What's happening in that area? It needs to be looked at really comparted in different areas, rather than just going kill, kill, kill, because we know that doesn't work.

Well, it's interesting. Before we dive in more about your personal journey, I love the first point you bring up, because we've all been there, where you've shown up at the hospital, you've shown up at a doctor and they're like, "Oh, you're making it up. Here's your list of psychiatrists. The labs show that you're normal," and so then you start feeling like you're crazy. Then you're like, "Wait, should I be going?" You get angry. But you bring up the point where, yes, we need to go get emotional, talk to somebody, not let the psychiatrist is the right answer. I think you need somebody who has experience with Lyme, and maybe it is a psychiatrist, maybe it's not, but flipping the switch and being like, okay, I do have this, I'm not making it up, but there's a reason why my body is getting sick and there has to be an emotional component to that. And that may be talking to a psychiatrist about your emotional components or maybe it's a specialist or someone like you that talks about their inner child and is able to release their emotions.

So yes, you don't need to go see a psychiatrist for the fact that you're making this up and you feeling gaslighted, but you do need to figure out, have an expert that shows you how to release these emotions. Did I say that that right? I don't know.

No, you definitely are. I think we need to, yes, it is a physical illness, but there is an emotional compartment to this. And I think if we hit the mindset first, we stop the extra trauma loop. We've got a trauma loop of whatever we've experienced now, our life before, in order to get sick and have your body in disease, it needs to be out of ease. So there had to be some type of stressor or a range of different things that put your immune system in that in the first place. And then if you're going to go on top of that and see a doctor who completely gaslights you, and then your family is gaslighting you and everything around you is victimizing you, it's just going to cause more of that disassociation and that we see with Lyme as well. So it's really beautiful to get onto that first.

What point did you decide, okay, I'm going to become a health and mindset coach?

The health coaching actually just came because people were coming to me. I didn't even plan to do a health coaching course or anything like that, but people were coming to me all the time for that in particular. But in terms of mindset, I actually started to do a lot of courses and things myself to get myself better. It took me a really long time to dig into that kind of mindset stuff, obviously, because of the trauma of being told that it was in my head. I really didn't believe that I had to go down that track of mindset. However, it helped me so, so much with my journey in the end to get over everything. And I know it's worked so well with people. So I was like, you know what, I need to do this. This is my purpose. People were coming to me.

It's almost like it came to me in a sense. Yes, I did the courses and things, but it was studying to come to me. And I was actually studying psychology at the time too. So I had that scientific background at the time, but I was like, I know that I want to do it this way because I understand how people with Lyme or chronic illness, how it works for them. And so just being able to support people like that just started to come naturally, I guess.

That's great. Now, can you explain to people, because I don't think, [inaudible 00:08:01] had talked about Reiki yet. What is that and how do you practice it? Can you do it on Zoom or do you have to do it in person?

Yeah. It is a Woo hoo thing to some people and it definitely was for me, so trigger warning, but I was at a point in my life that I was so, so depressed. I didn't want to be here anymore. And I put on my Instagram stories. I was like, does anyone know a healer? And I was sent this beautiful lady and I did it with her over Zoom in the middle of the pandemic. And I was having all of these, I'll share my experience first so people can understand because I also didn't understand it once. I was having all of these kind of convulsions and, not in a bad way, but like releasing trauma through this healing and this was over Zoom. It blew my mind.

It was over Zoom?

It was over Zoom. Yes. I just started to have all of these kind of visuals and things happened to me and I was like, what just happened after this? I was like, I need to learn this. Ashley, what can I do? And I ended up then learning Reiki myself because I was like so much-

[crosstalk 00:09:09] So that was Reiki? That's what you were doing when you were [inaudible 00:09:11]?

Yes. Then I learned myself how to do it. It is a little bit complex to understand, but basically we go off like Albert Einstein says everything is energy. We hold a lot of trauma in our body, the Chakra System, which is like seven energy centers has now been admitted by the Heart Institute. So we know we have these energy fields within our body. And so Reiki is really working with that to harmonize what's going on in the energy fields to clear out some limiting beliefs, things that have been held onto.

I'm quite psychic. I believe we all are to a degree, but since I've had this awakening into Reiki, I do have different things come through, which I'm able to then share with my clients, which helps them. I actually can feel their symptoms, which is so interesting. I can feel parts of my body and I'll be able to relay back to them. Like are you having pain here? And I get also visuals and things like that throughout the experience. But basically all I am is a channel, working with source and channeling energy. I don't heal people. It's not coming me. It's kind of coming outside of me. And then I clear all the energy centers and whatever kind of comes up in that. And then afterwards, a lot of people purge for about two weeks. Some people are really emotional. Some people feel really, really good. It just depends on the person really, but a lot of detox symptoms occur from Reiki as well.

It's interesting that you say like you have this sense, so do you have to be, like turn it on? I was always curious about this. Do you have to be actually working with somebody and be like, okay, they're my client right now, or when you meet somebody, you start talking to somebody, you automatically feel it and you know what's happening even though they didn't ask?

Yes. I feel symptoms and I believe a lot of people in our community actually are empaths, which means we absorb a lot of people's energy. That was like a root cause of my illness as well. Just always helping a lot of people all the time and not having any self boundaries, but it also can be like a power to you because you can just tune in and start to feel them. However, I did go through a lot of training and then you have certain attunements and things like that with the Reiki master. And that's when more of these things started to come through these feelings and the more I do it, the more it kind of progresses.

Yeah. Is that the same thing? Have you ever heard of indigo children?

Yes. Yes, yes.

Is that kind of the same thing?

Yes. That's based on like an alien kind of cosmic understanding of star seeds and that kind of thing. Is that what you mean?

Well, indigo children are children who are very empathetic when they're little. I think this is the definition I understand, where they're able to, like they're dimensional. They can see and do things. They're able to read blindfolded because they use their third sense or their third eye to feel and see things. And I think that's kind of in the same line.

Yeah, it is. But we kind of all have the ability. We've just forgotten. We can all do it. It's not like some magic thing that someone's a psychic or anything like that. I believe we all have the power to tune into these things. That's why there's so many like MBSR coaches now, and it's becoming more and more popular to start looking into our trauma and start getting into those kids. And this is just beautiful way to get in the parasympathetic state as well.

Which is so much damage from Lyme. I think a lot of people who are listening, if you've tried everything and they tell you that your Lyme's gone and your parasite's gone, your mold's gone and you're still not getting better, now it's time to go after the parasympathetic nerve because it's almost in a flight or fight or PTSD, it's just overdrive. And no one has told it to stop it or turn it off and go back to reset it.

Yes. We have to remember as well, with our mind as well, we run off 95% of unconsciousness. We have these loops that we keep replaying in our life and we don't know why. You may be well now, but you may be replaying this thing in your body where you're trying to protect yourself from Lyme all the time, so you're quite tight and stuck. And you don't mean to be, but that's the best way of defense in our body. And then only 5% of our mind is actually conscious. So you can be as positive as you want. But if we don't look at the subconscious mind and the nervous system and reset that, then I believe we could be more likely to have more issues in the future or have these kind of depression or that kind of thing come through for you because we haven't reset the nervous system, we haven't looked at the subconscious mind.

You also talk a little bit about your inner child. Can you talk a little bit about that and why that's important and that should be addressed?

For sure. From zero to seven, our emotional brain is not formed. So whatever happened during that period of our time is how we learn how to get our parents to react to us or reflect back to us. Whatever our caregivers gave to us as a response is how we act and how we learn how to act for the rest of our life. And then it also sets us up for however, we kind of view adulthood. It's a lens in which we view adulthood. Our emotional body stores all of these memories. And so that's when we get into relationships or anything like this, and we have maybe childlike views or certain reactions or a lot of triggers. And a lot of it can be from our childhood stored emotional memories and reactions as to why we behave in a certain way or why we are more likely to get sick. And it's so much more, there's so much deep within our inner child.

So once we start to witness that part of ourselves, which is always in our body, we will always carry every age that we've had in our life, within our body. And so once you witnessed you're inner child, again, you don't have to necessarily remember. I know I've seen a lot in the Lyme area. A lot of us have repressed memories, which was a huge issue for me because I didn't remember a lot of my childhood. I didn't know why until I went back and did a lot of work with other coaches myself and I started to witness these parts. And I was like, that's why I do that in that area and that's why I do that. And it's not about trying to change anything. We never truly healed. We're always healing, but it's like you understand yourself on a different level and you can give yourself compassion for things that you do that maybe childlike or however you lens is. You can take yourself back and really get this strong power from within because you understand yourself.

I think that's the most important thing is we're always kind of searching for who we are or who we want to be. And when we witness this part, we can truly just expand. So it's a really beautiful area to look at. It's not easy, but it's so special when you do do the work.

And then is it something that you have to work with a coach or is there something that you can do from home?

If I was to do it on my own, it would be for people that can't afford a coach or anything like that. I would just start to witness my feelings. I'd start to write down my triggers that I'm having every single day in my life, and then start to figure out why they trigger you. And you'll notice smells. You'll notice certain people. You'll notice these things. And as you go along and you'll feel certain parts in your body, so you may be triggered by something. So someone says something to you and then you feel like really, really upset. But when you look at it, you're like, "Oh, that wasn't really anything. Thing that just triggered my inner child." And then you can start to work out why this is happening and become someone that guides your own life rather than your subconscious mind controlling you.

So start to notice what's triggering you. Start to figure out where it's sitting in the body, because it could be sitting in a particular energy field. For a lot us with gut issues, it's sitting in the solar plexus, which is like then coming into worthiness and other parts. So each chakra has a meaning as to why we hold onto negative energies basically within them. So yeah, start to notice the triggers if you can't afford someone right now. Start feeling into your body and even just close your eyes and ask your inner child. See what comes through. There's plenty of meditations as well that you can do to start to see what you can visualize and remember, which is really beautiful. But that's the best way if you can't afford a coach.

And so your coaching, is it one-on-one or do you have a group coaching program? How do you work?

I work one-on-one at this moment. I am creating a course which should be out in the next couple of weeks, which will entail everything to do with mindset. It'll also have a specific content on Lyme and mold as well, from moving out of mold and how to actually deal with mold, how to test and all of the bits and pieces because I know a lot of us are like, "Oh, how do I save my clothes?" All of that stuff will be involved as well.

Oh wow.

Yeah. I've just ended up running out of space to fit people in basically. It's kind of good that I've moved to Europe now, because I can do like Australians in the morning and I can fit more people in, but I'm starting to think that it's time for a course so that more people can get a hold of it for an affordable price and start to understand these parts.

And are most of your clients Lyme patients or?

Yes, most are Lyme patients or they have particular chronic illnesses like EBV issues and things like that as well. There's a wide range of people that are suffering with chronic illness mostly or even mold illness and things like that.

That's great. I'm sad that there's so many people sick. It's amazing that it's Australia, United States, Europe, it's kind of happening worldwide.

I know. It's such a shame. There's a lot of Lyme here in Poland as well. So many people have it here. It's surprising because there's so much winter, but there's so many tick here. A lot of them get it. It's just becoming more and more popular unfortunately to come across people that have Lyme and it's shame, but it's good to see when I reflect back on where I came from. When I first had Lyme, there was two options. There's so many options now. There's so many different coaches as well. I have had people approach me as well to learn how to do my certain teaching so that they can become coaches themselves. So I do have plans to open up a coaching school so that I can start to teach people rather than trying to do. It's just a lot. There's so many people that need help. I wish I had more time in the day. I feel like the courses will help, but then potentially teach some people to be coaches too.

Well, I think you're really busy because there is no medical solution like Western medical. It's not like, oh you just take these antibiotics and you feel better. You take this [inaudible 00:20:15] and you feel better. It's such a complicated disease and there's no one answer, unfortunately. But from your experience, I know we touched on this a little bit in the beginning, but is there anything else that you would say that somebody can start at home? I always ask this of every podcast guest, anything that you would say is like, if you were to give a magic bullet, is there something that on that bad, bad day when you can't get out of bed, which we've all been, is there something you're like, okay, this or say, if you're going to regress, like we all have relapses for whatever reason, if we ate bad, stress, mold, we relapse. What gets you back out of that relapse? Or what's your go-to? I know what my go-to things are. I'd just be curious to see what your go-to things are.

Yeah, for sure. I would definitely start with journaling. And I know that's the hardest thing sometimes in that state, but it's a way to reason with your thoughts because yes, we are dealing with the pain too, but we are also feeling super low. I'd start journaling to myself. It's also okay if you are feeling so overwhelmed to put on a really funny movie. I used to always watch like The Office or Gilmore Girls. I loved those when I was really sick. That's also okay to be like, it's okay, but then I'd be thinking of my thoughts throughout that period. I'd be starting to set up some mantras for myself, things like I am healing. This is okay. The more symptoms that I feel, the more I'm healing, my immune system's working. The way we're talking to our ourself is so important. And it can be hard because it's so painful and there's so many different symptoms and we're dealing with brain fog and it's not that easy, but if you can't remember them in those flares, I would be putting up stickers in my room of the mantra or whatever it is and start to retrain your brain yourself.

What's a good mantra that you would tell people if they can't think of one?

Something like I am healing. I am always healing. My immune system is working, things like that are beautiful. Or Lyme is happening for me and not to me is one of my favorites, because I do believe a lot of us, it does lead to our purpose. And it's just of fortunate that the way that the world's working now, I do believe there's just so much chronic illness going on generationally and we've never seen it before. So the world does and will need us in the future. I think remembering that this is happening for you, really remembering that you can heal as well. The way we're treat body is so important to be making sure we love our body, we respect our body and we know our immune system is working. Just starting to retrain those things is a beautiful way to start for sure.

That's great. This has been amazing. Anybody who's listening can go to Instagram, @Biancaholisticway. And then is there a website or anything else that you would like people to go to or just your Instagram?

Yeah, just pop on my Instagram. If you go to the link in my bio, you can have a look. There's my website there. I've also got a beautiful free master or detox PDF for anyone who can't afford a coach right now and just wants to understand the detox symptoms. That's all there, and then all my courses, services, everything is all there as well.

This has been amazing. Thank you so much, Bianca. I really appreciate your time.

Thank you so much. Such an honor to be here. I appreciate you. Thank you.

Each week I will bring you different voices from the wellness community, so that they can share how they help their clients heal. You will come away with tips and strategies to help you get your life back. Thank you so much for coming on and I am so happy you are here. Subscribe now and tune in next week. If you want to learn how I detox and you want to check out my detox for Lyme checklist, go to You can also join our community at Lyme 360 Warriors on Facebook and let's heal together. Thank you.