The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
EP 104: Harmonizing EMFs to help with Lyme symptoms with Somavedic CEO, Juraj Kocar
Looking for a solution to block out the emf in your home. We may have just the thing for you. Juraj Kocar is an endless optimist passionate about building and growing projects with meaning. Right now, Juraj is working on his dream project - Somavedic. He joined me on this week’s Lyme360 episode to talk about his work in creating broadly accessible and functional frequency therapy devices specifically the Somavedic device. Juraj is working towards creating a safer home and office environment for people who are constantly exposed to EMF.
Please tune in to learn about Juraj’s journey creating Somavedic, his thoughts on EMFs and protecting oneself from them, and the benefits he has seen his customers experience after purchasing a Somavedic frequency therapy device.
Mimi MacLean:
Welcome to the Lyme 360 Podcast for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I'm Mimi MacLean, mom of five, founder of Lyme 360 and a fellow Lyme warrior tune in each week to hear from doctors, health practitioners and experts to learn about their treatments, struggles and triumphs to help you on your healing journey. I'm here to heal with you.
Mimi MacLean:
Hi, welcome back to the Lyme 360 Podcast. This is your host Mimi MacLean. And today we have on Juraj Kocar and we are going to be talking about frequency therapy. He is an endless optimist with a passion to build and grow projects with meaning. And right now, Juraj is working on his dream project, Somavedic.
Mimi MacLean:
It's a functional and broadly accessible frequency therapy device harmonizing the negative effects of EMF. Somavedic is helping people in the office and home environment, improve their sleep, have more energy, mental clarity and focus during the day with confirmed results from users and science labs.
Mimi MacLean:
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Mimi MacLean:
Juraj, thank you so much for coming on today. I really appreciate it. I found Somavedic from my friend, Elizabeth, who also has Lyme and she said it changed her life.
Mimi MacLean:
So I bought a machine a while back because I know that we all... EMF is super important, especially these days as 5G and everything's rolling out and people who have Lyme tend to have, super sensitive to EMF. So thank you so much for coming on so we can dive into that.
Juraj Kocar:
Sure. Thank you for having me, Mimi.
Mimi MacLean:
Let's just start about like, what is your Somavedic? And how you came about creating it?
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. So Somavedic is a subtle frequency therapy device. I'm Juraj, the CEO of Somavedic Technologies and my dear friend Ivan, he's the inventor of the Somavedic. And he came up with Somavedic years ago. The very first Somavedic was created in April, 2011, so we just recently had our 11 anniversary.
Juraj Kocar:
So it's not a new device per se in for example, like in the US, we entered the US in 2019. So we do have a history in Europe, but the story behind Somavedic was that, he was suffering from various health issues. And he was researching what could be the cause, because the doctors and pills were not able to help him.
Juraj Kocar:
And he found out about EMFs and geopathic stress and this was again, 11 years ago. And well, at that time not many people were paying attention to this topic. So he started to do his own research and he turned to Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and different healing properties of precious stones and minerals and that helped him.
Juraj Kocar:
Basically, his symptoms were gone and eventually he started helping other people around him like family and friends. And I have to say he's an IT guy, like mathematician. He's not a doctor or anything like that, but what he was doing and what he learned in the books was working. And at the end, he had the idea to put all the knowledge and experience into a device that would mitigate these effects of EMFs and this is how the idea of Somavedic came to be.
Mimi MacLean:
That's great. And then how did you get involved?
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. I got involved in 2018 when I was visiting a friend of mine and he had this beautiful glowing lamps around his living room. So I asked him like, "What is it?" And he told me what it is, what does it do. He shared with me some customer stories and I felt immediately that this is what I want to do.
Juraj Kocar:
Because I've been through some health transformation as well. I was also struggling. It was successful, and since then I had the calling to help people on their health and wellness journey. But I just didn't know how to, what way that would manifest.
Juraj Kocar:
And then a few years after that, I stumbled on Somavedic and I said, "Yes. This is it." This is a product we can scale it and this is what I would like to do. And these were the beginnings of my collaboration with Ivan and the Somavedic team.
Juraj Kocar:
And then in 2019, I went to San Francisco for three months, set up the company, hired some people. Since then, we are growing really fast and spreading the awareness of our device.
Mimi MacLean:
Yes. So the devices are beautiful. They're all handmade or hand-blown?
Juraj Kocar:
Yes. Yes. All of them are handmade hand-blown. Basically, the glass corpus that you can see is hand-blown. So each one is an original because in Czech Republic, here we have a long history of glass factories and glass making. So this is very, let's say unique and all technique, how to do it. And then, yes, they are hand assembled and handmade. Yeah.
Mimi MacLean:
And what are the different colors? Because I know there's a green one and there's yellow ones. What do they represent?
Juraj Kocar:
Yes. The colors basically, represent the differences, so people can differentiate between the models. But of course there is the aspect of the precious stones and minerals.
Juraj Kocar:
For example, the red one has the ruby admixture in the glass body. There's a blue one that has the cobalt admixture. So these are the main reasons to differentiate between the models.
Mimi MacLean:
There are a lot of people who don't believe in frequency and energy healing and it's all about science, science. Is there something that you guys have done? Or how do you explain that to people? How frequency therapy works.
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. That's a great question and we get this a lot. Now because of course, we do have people asking for what's data, how do back it up, and that is good. And of course, we do have data. So for example, in Europe we have like, well, it's in the US as well, but it's quite frequent in Europe.
Juraj Kocar:
We have a bioresonance devices. These are designed for diagnostic and healing. In some countries in Europe, they are certified as medical devices. And when the Somavedic was introduced in 2011, two years after that, the two biggest producers of bioresonance devices approached Ivan, if he could produce white label for them, those devices, those Somavedic for them.
Juraj Kocar:
And the reason was that they had great results with it. They could see and measure, know the effects on people in their own labs. And that's why they're like, "This is great. This is really working. This is what we would like to sell with our diagnostic and healing tools as well."
Juraj Kocar:
So this was one confirmation at the very beginning. But since then, we've done various tests from Germany, from Austria and here in Czech Republic. So the ones from Germany are showing improved cell regeneration in an EMF environment.
Juraj Kocar:
So they took the human cells and put them in the shielded environment where there was no EMF. Then they took them to normal, let's say the normal EMF environment that we live in. And then they placed the Somavedic next to them, in the normal EMF environment. And they were measuring the speed of the cells and the speed of the cell regeneration. And they could see, and we have this on our webpage as well.
Juraj Kocar:
You could see the difference, basically, the difference behind that, how the Somavedic helped, the speed of the cell regeneration to improve when we are, or the cells are in an EMF environment. So this is one set of data we have. We have then data on sleeping studies.
Juraj Kocar:
That people sleep better, have more energy during the day, that they feel calmer or they just feel more in peace. And what is interesting, the one set of data we have is on the blood pressure. So we had people with high blood pressure and low blood pressure, and after four weeks with 75% of the people, the blood pressure normalized, which means with the high blood pressure, it was lower. And with low blood pressure, it was a higher, which means it basically normalized.
Juraj Kocar:
So what the Somavedic is doing is creating this coherent field around it that is supporting our bodies to regenerate and heal faster. Because the body is doing the healing, the Somavedic is just creating the space so the body and the cells are not, let's say stressed by the external environmental factors.
Mimi MacLean:
Does it matter if it's regular EMF or the 5G?
Juraj Kocar:
It does matter of course, but we do have models that are strong enough to mitigate the 5G effects as well.
Mimi MacLean:
You do. Okay. And then as far as usage, is it one of those things where you would want to have it in your office? Or is just having it in your bedroom enough? What do you typically recommend?
Juraj Kocar:
Yes. So we typically recommend having it in your home because the field of the Somavedic is about 100 feet radius into all directions up, down, left, right, and it penetrates the walls and floors. So one Somavedic is usually enough for one apartment or for one house.
Juraj Kocar:
If you would have really like a larger property, then we would recommend placing it a bit closer to the bedroom. Not necessarily directly in the bedroom, but closer to the bedroom. So because it has bright light and for the first few days, when the body is adapting to it, it could affect your sleep.
Juraj Kocar:
This is of course, just temporary but if we would recommend, if someone would be buying one Somavedic then would be definitely recommending for the home. And the reason is that during the sleep is the most precious time, an important time when our body regenerates.
Juraj Kocar:
So we have to protect the sleep as much as possible. Of course, when someone has the budget or a company would be interested, it's great to have it in your office as well. Because we spend so much time there and we do have doctors that have Somavedic in their office spaces.
Juraj Kocar:
And they said that even the patients can feel the difference and the doctors have more energy towards the end of the day. They can handle more patients. They are more productive.
Mimi MacLean:
Great. It's funny that you mentioned the bioresonance machine because when I did that test on myself, one of the things that came up was that I'm super sensitive to EMF. Do you happen to know why? I know you're not a doctor or anything, but do you happen to know why people with Lyme disease tend to be sensitive to EMF?
Juraj Kocar:
I didn't do any enough research on this, why specifically people with Lyme are so sensitive to EMF. But we do have customers that have Lyme disease and telling us this, that they are super sensitive and that the Somavedic really helps. So I know this from the feedback from our customers.
Mimi MacLean:
No. It's so true. And then also it's hand in hand with not being able to sleep, having insomnia. So if that helps that too, so then it is a double whammy where, you hopefully you get more sleep. So is there anything else that we haven't covered that you would like everyone to know about your product?
Juraj Kocar:
Yes. So basically, when you would visit our webpage, you would find there a comparison table, simple one and the main difference between the products is if they are strong enough to mitigate the 5G effects and if they structure the water. That means there are models like the Vedic or the Amber that are also structuring the water.
Juraj Kocar:
That means you just place a jug of water next to the Somavedic, and the same field that is creating this coherent bubble, the same field is working with and affecting the water and it's making structured. Why is this important? Is that the structured water is the most bioavailable state of water.
Juraj Kocar:
And I'll give you one example, one of our early employees, she used to drink a gallon of water a day and have migraines. And since she started structuring water with the Somavedic, she needed just half of the water, amount of water, that she used to drink. She doesn't feel thirsty anymore and there are 90% fewer headaches as before. So this is one of, I would say really beneficial things, that Somavedic is on top of the EMF effects mitigation is doing, is the water structuring capability.
Mimi MacLean:
Does it matter? What kind of water, if it's a tap water, clean, filtered?
Juraj Kocar:
It's definitely recommended to filter your water, but it doesn't matter. It can be water from plastic bottle, it can be tap water. And the way how people usually can tell the difference is by the taste, the water is just more smooth, more silky.
Mimi MacLean:
Interesting. Are you going to be creating anything for a car? I feel like we're driving around in a microwave.
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. Yeah. So each Somavedic has a USB port, so you can plug it anywhere. But as it's made from crystal body, it's fragile. So it's not very suitable for a car and for travels, but we are working on a different shape. A Somavedic that would be ideal to place in a car, but that's second half of this year somewhere. More towards the end of the year.
Mimi MacLean:
Yeah. I can imagine it's hard. I mean, this has been amazing what you guys are doing because I do think EMF poisoning or however you want to call it is probably one of the biggest things that no one really talks about. And it's hard to get information about it and to find out exactly what works, what doesn't work.
Mimi MacLean:
There's so many things that's for sale. What actually takes away the EMF. So that's why I was interested in your company just because I have a friend who's like, "I never could sleep and once I bought one of these, I've been sleeping like a baby." So I had to look into it, but it is, and I think as 5G rolls out, it's going to be more important for people to really protect themselves.
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. Definitely. When you are mentioning the sleep. The sleep benefits is the most common feedback that we are getting. That people's sleep better. Then it's the energy levels during the day, then the brain fog and headaches and the feelings of calmness. These are the top things that our customers are reporting.
Mimi MacLean:
This is great. Juraj, thank you so much. Is there anything else that we haven't covered?
Juraj Kocar:
Yes. Yes. I almost forgot. So there is one thing to mention and people new in the frequency therapy field, it's important to mention, is that Somavedic is not blocking the EMF. So your wifi is working, your laptop is working. If you would take an EMF reader, you would have the same levels of EMF as before.
Juraj Kocar:
But what Somavedic is doing is creating, let's say on top of it, its own field that is affecting our cells on our bodies on the cellular level, so they are not that stressed from the EMF exposure. So this is a quite important thing to mention.
Juraj Kocar:
And then one last thing is that people really have to experience the Somavedic, if it's working for them or not. You can read all the testimonials and data, but you just have to try it out. That's why we have a 60 day money back guarantee. So anybody can try it basically, risk free for two months and see for themself if it's working or not.
Mimi MacLean:
That's great. So Somavedic is your website S-O-M-A-V-E-D-I-C, somavedic.com, for anybody who's listening. And there's a great science page that you have. And one of the pictures is just, you have a picture of the cell, like before and after. And it's amazing how all the little cells are on top of each other, like little Lego block.
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. It's the red, human red blood cells. Yes.
Mimi MacLean:
The red blood cells. Yeah. And then afterwards they're all like, it looks like what you would expect blood to look like. So it is, for anybody who wants to look into the science and the proof, they have a great page that talks about all of that as well. So Juraj, thank you so much. I really appreciate all your time and for coming on.
Juraj Kocar:
Yeah. Thank you, Mimi. It's been a pleasure.
Mimi MacLean:
Each week, I will bring you different voices from the wellness community so that they can share how they help their clients heal. You will come away with tips and strategies to help you get your life back.
Mimi MacLean:
Thank you so much for coming on. And I am so happy. You are here. Subscribe now and tune in next week. If you want to learn how I detox and you want to check out my detox for Lyme checklist, go to lyme360.com/detoxchecklist. You can also join our community at Lyme 360 warriors on Facebook and let's heal together. Thank you.