The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
EP 114: How EMF and 5G Affects Lyme Warriors with Nick Penault, The EMF Guy
Do you know the effects of EMF and 5G on Lyme? How can you protect yourself from them?
Tune in to today’s episode with Nick Pineault, also known as the EMF Guy, an expert in EMF and the author of, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF. His mission is to help raise awareness and incentivize tech companies, governments, and consumers to demand and develop technologies that support the lives of humans, animals, and the planet.
Learn about how EMF can exacerbate Lyme symptoms, the benefits of blue light blockers, and the small changes you can make to protect yourself better!
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Mimi MacLean:
Welcome to the Lyme 360 Podcast, for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I'm Mimi MacLean, mom of five, founder of Lyme 360, and a fellow Lyme warrior. Tune in each week to hear from doctors, health practitioners, and experts to learn about their treatments, struggles, and triumphs to help you on your healing journey. I'm here to heal with you.
Hi, welcome back to the Lyme 360 Podcast. This is your host, Mimi MacLean, and I'm excited to have the EMF guy on today, Nick Pineault. And he is an EMF expert and author of the bestselling book, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF. Since late 2016, he has become a passionate advocate for safe technologies, raising awareness around the EMF problem on well over a hundred combined podcasts, Facebook Lives, radio shows, TV shows, and stages around the world. Nick's biggest goal is to incentivize tech companies, governments, regulators, and consumers alike to demand and develop technologies that support the life of humans, animals, and the planet. And I'm excited to talk to him today about how EMF affects Lyme and 5G and everything that's going on in the wireless tech world right now that is affecting our health.
Thank you for joining in today. Please go to lyme360.com to sign up for a newsletter, so you'll be notified of our next podcast and our weekly newsletter as well. And also, if you would like to help support our podcast, I have a shop page there with all the items that I use and suggest that a little bit of the profit goes to helping fund our podcast. Nick, thank you so much for coming on today. I really appreciate it.
Nick Pineault:
Hey, thanks for having me. And sorry about the blur. It's at night here in Thailand.
Mimi MacLean:
Is that where you are?
Nick Pineault:
Yeah, this is what we deal with and this is why I have my blue blockers too, because I want to get some sleep afterwards.
Mimi MacLean:
Yeah. So that's what I'm going to talk about. That's great. That's awesome. And thanks for coming on with the time change. But I want to start with your glasses. Because I think some people, I don't know if everyone's watching this or just listening to this, but if you're just listening, he has on yellow glasses, sunglasses, and they're blockers. But if you could just talk a little bit about them?
Nick Pineault:
Sure. Yeah. Not all the people are initially aware, but increasingly, even ophthalmologists, eye doctors are aware that if you're exposed to the very bright white light that comes off of screens, especially in the evening, it will suppress your ability to release melatonin, which is a very important antioxidant, but also sleep hormone. So what you can do to prevent that is to wear tinted glasses. And these are not just sunglasses, they specifically block the blue spectrum, because the blue light and green light are the types of light that when they hit your eye or even your skin to some degree, they are stimulating and they prevent good sleep. So normally I have... Well, I look normal, and I have just these normal glasses. And these are from a company called Bon Charge, B-O-N Charge, and it used to be called BLUblox, but there are several good companies out there that have blue blockers.
There are certain ones that are even more tinted towards the red and that block even more, which you can wear watching TV. And if you watch TV shows at night or look at your phone, these are ways that you can block these waves. And not all people think about it, but we're talking about EMFs today, electromagnetic fields. Well, visible light is part of the EMF spectrum. So blocking light is also part of blocking EMFs. It's included in the same mix, except that this light you can see, whereas we're going to talk about other EMF that you cannot, right? So there's other frequencies that are otherwise invisible.
Mimi MacLean:
So the yellow or the red, because I just was actually at David Asbury's placed in LA and he had all the glasses on display there and he had the different colors. And so the yellow or the red is good. It doesn't matter which color. Red's a little better.
Nick Pineault:
Yeah. In the evening right before going to bed, at least an hour, some people would tend towards the very dark red ones. Except to watch TV, sometimes you don't get as much of, let's say the beauty of the show if you watch, I don't know, the new, what is it, Game of Thrones, the new thing, the just launched and you want to see the beauty of it, right? So the yellow tinted glasses for me is something that I wear in fact during the day also at the computer, because I found, it was recommended to me by a physician, Dr. Ben Lynch, who's very well known for his work around epigenetics, and he is himself electrosensitive.
So when he tells me something, I try it because I also usually can feel EMFs or get brain fog when I'm exposed to wifi, for example. So he told me, "Nick, you've got to try these yellow glasses when you work at a computer." And the moment I put them on, receiving them from Bon Charge, I realized, my God, I can read better, I don't get as much eye strain. So even professional video gamers now, or even people that program software for hours and hours on end, they use the yellow tinted glasses because they realize that it calms down their eyes. You don't feel as irritated by looking at a screen for long hours. So as an author or someone who spends a lot of time in front of the computer.
Mimi MacLean:
Yeah. Or our kids too, right? All of our teenagers like playing video games or homework. Yeah. So it's great. So how did you get into... 2016 was the year that you kind of dove into EMF?
Nick Pineault:
Yeah, I started a little bit before that, but I read one book after another and I was focused on environmental toxins before, but especially toxins in the food supply. I was writing a newsletter about tap water isn't safe, and it's still not safe. Or at least, I mean it's not perfectly safe. You think that it's completely safe and then you hear about Flint, Michigan, and then people just heard about Flint, Michigan with heavy metal contamination where the city officials, there's been some people went to prison after that because they knew and they did nothing. But the thing is, a follow up report that was reported on by Dr. Mercola at the time said that there's hundreds of cities that are worse than Flint.
Mimi MacLean:
Yeah. Well, even fluoride, that's just need fluoride in the water, right?
Nick Pineault:
It was just Flint was lead, if I recall correctly. But in other cities you might have arsenic, you might have this and that. So it's kind of very maddening. So these topics just make my blood boil and I want to talk about it. And I say, okay, enough is enough. We need to filter out our tap water. And I really grew a little bit... Not a little bit, a lot frustrated, a lot because of the inability of governments to take care of this stuff. It should be the US government that takes care of its citizens. And in Canada, it should be the Canadian government that takes cares of citizens by making sure that everyone filters out their water when you hear stuff like Flint.
In Montreal, we got a notice at home at my condo back in Montreal, now I'm traveling the entire year, I'm going to go back next July. And we got a notice, well, you might have lead in your tap water. And they don't know. They don't know if exactly, so they say, well, kind of... I don't want to be vulgar, but they do not do things the right way. They kind of half ass it is what I want to say. There's no better term in English, I think. They kind of say, well, maybe you want to filter it. And you kind of don't know exactly. So you're kind of left by yourself to navigate these things.
So with that in mind, when I started getting into cell phones and wifi and Bluetooth and when I realized how bad it is, how the science around those is not sound, the safety science that is, and our safety guidelines protect us against nothing. They basically consider that everyone is at the same exposure level. They don't have special guidelines for children's exposure, but their bodies are smaller, their cranium is smaller, they get way much more exposure compared to an adult because of the fact that they have more water in their body. So there's a lot of nonsense when you start looking into it.
And then you start realizing that there's a ton of studies talking about the loss of fertility, especially in men who keep a cell phone in their pocket. And you say, wait a minute, why is it that we don't get a warning sign on the cell phone? So I got into one thing and another and realized how big it is. Because we're talking about more... There's more cell phone subscriptions than humans on earth, if I'm not mistaken. I think it's now something like 9 billion phones. And of course most of them end up in the trash, but all that to say that everyone is connected, being exposed, and most people do not realize that this machine or these machines emitting wireless radiation can have the same impact as the blue light we talked about.
The signal is invisible in that case. The EMF is invisible, but it can and it will impact your sleep. But especially for people that are chronically ill, it goes beyond that, because if you don't sleep well, well, you don't heal as much. You don't detox as much. So right there, just the sleep effect might be something for you to consider. If you're trying to do a protocol to get out of chronic disease, probably what most people listening to this are trying to do, you want to have as much quality sleep as humanly possible. What doctors realize, the doctors that are EMF aware, is when they tell their patients to turn off the cell phone at night, turn off wifi, do not keep all these devices near your pillow, people sleep better. In some cases, they sleep a lot better. And in those cases, people were especially sensitive to those disruptive signal during the night.
And that's just really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the effect. And I have to talk about something that is brand new for me that I learned a few weeks ago. I learned about the MCAS, the mass cell activation syndrome that you probably reported on a lot. Lyme disease sufferers in some cases have this mass cell activation syndrome where you're basically, someone called it I think on a blog that I was reading, the PTSD of the immune system, where your immune system is in shock and reacting to everything. Well, one of the top researchers in the world on MCAS said that EMF radiation in rats, at least in the rat model that it looked at, their fairly recent study in 2009, he said that this is causing mass cell degradation. So a histamine released quickly when rats are exposed to EMFs.
What does that mean? It means, and it's something that has been hypothesized for two decades by other colleagues that I have, is that when you talk on your phone, when you have a cell phone in your home or close your body, you use it a lot, you are adding in this extra, let's say histamine release. Or this inflammatory cascade that you might be getting from foods, from chemicals, from mold, and then you added EMFs. Yes, it's possible that you will feel a tingling sensation or in some cases, a burning sensation or itching from your cell phone. And some people have told me that. I got an email last week, someone who said, "Nick, how is it possible that whenever I'm on the laptop for more than 15 minutes, I start getting itchy everywhere?"
Well, some unlucky folks have this histamine reaction that is exaggerated when they are exposed to this signal. And it is bizarre, but some people are getting the same thing because they're allergic to some rays, just natural EMFs even. So that exists as well. And people especially that are chronically ill, everything is dysfunctioning. So these are a bit extreme examples, but what is important to mention here is that even in healthy people, this has been identified. So healthy participants that were exposed by cell phone radiation or other types of EMFs also have a histamine release, but they don't feel it.
Mimi MacLean:
Oh, okay.
Nick Pineault:
It does not mean that it doesn't do anything, right? So it's not because you don't feel it that it's not having a stressful effect to your biology. So I want people to think about EMFs the same way we think about, we talked about Flint, Michigan, environmental toxins. Do you need to be exposed to more lead in your life? No. We know that lead, there's no healthy dose of lead. We should have none, but it doesn't happen. So we should minimize our exposure to lead and pesticides and glyphosate. But yeah, it's everywhere. So we try to eat organic, we try to filter out that stuff. Same thing for EMFs. We cannot filter it out, but we can minimize time of use, the proximity of these machines to our body, and then really it's where we place these machines in our life that matter a lot when it comes to our cumulative overall exposure.
Mimi MacLean:
So do you have any suggestions as far as like, look, we're not going to tell everybody to give up their cell phone, right?
Nick Pineault:
No, no, definitely not.
Mimi MacLean:
I never put mine to my head to listen ever. I'll either keep it on speaker or I know it's not great, but I still use my earpiece that has the wire, right? The Bluetooth, people think that they're okay. They're not, right?
Nick Pineault:
It's replacing one bad thing for another is really what it is. Bluetooth is essentially the same signal as a cell phone.
Mimi MacLean:
It's like a little mini, right, little mini device in your ear. You know like those things that you can buy to put on the back of the phone, do those work?
Nick Pineault:
They haven't seen a difference that much. I'm in communication with scientists and what they say is, some devices seem to make some people feel better. There might be a biological effect where it might strengthen your body's natural defenses. And we're getting into the biofield now, kind of the natural EMFs emitted by the human body. And the research, the pioneer in that field is called Dr. Beverly Rubik, R-U-B-I-K. And I talked with Dr. Rubik and she said that these EMFs will disrupt our biofield, which is something you can measure around the body, different fields emitted by the body.
So without any surprise, it is disruptive and some devices you can install on your devices might prevent some of that disruption. But the problem I have, and the problem a lot of scientists have is if you install those, it does not mean your cell phone is safe now. And the impression that some people get is, well, you know what? I understand that EMFs are dangerous and I'm going to install a chip or kind of sticky with a pyramid sign on there and now my cell phone is safe. It doesn't work that way. There's no magic pill at the moment that I've identified that will replace a healthy EMF hygiene. So this is really why I don't want to initially endorse these technologies at the moment.
Mimi MacLean:
So even for sleeping, if you take your cell phone out of your room or wifi... This is my dilemma. With my wifi, my alarm is hooked up to my wifi or whatever, my internet. So if I shut it down from 10:00 to 6:00, then what happens to my security system?
Nick Pineault:
Yeah, you would have to use one of two technologies. Either ethernet cables, so a cable security system. It's going to require some work, a bit of an investment of course, you run the cables or an IT company can run cables. And then it's still on the internet. Ideally you would be able to just turn off the wifi function at night. Some routers have a button on there where you can turn off wifi but not turn off the internet. So these are two different things. But yeah, again, if you're having trouble with it, please email me and I'll try to help you troubleshoot. But other technologies that exist are also power over ethernet. So you can basically have your router send signals through the electrical wire of your entire home. And then at any outlet, you can take that signal and then have a wire go to a computer or a tablet or a cell phone.
It's a bit complicated to explain without having visuals, but there are technologies that are not wifi and are more reliable. And something I've shown, for example, on Instagram recently is in this Airbnb apartment here in Thailand, I don't have wifi. I turned it off. And people ask me, well, okay, well you have a computer, you have a tablet for the kiddo sometimes. And yes, he still watches... I have all these gadgets. I use all of them, but I use an ethernet cable. So I brought an ethernet cable that you can still purchase from Amazon or whatever, and you will hook up that cable from the router to your computer or from the router to your tablet, or even from the router to a phone. Because most people don't realize, but you can still hardwire an iPhone or Samsung. Most smartphones can still be hardwired.
And what happens when you do so is you're able to go on the internet. You cannot receive calls or texts except if they're sent via WhatsApp or Messenger, for example. But a lot of people just use those these days and not really the cell service. And I can update my apps very rapidly. So it's very convenient. And I can also, I do Instagram stories sometimes. These days I like to show my running and whatever personal things I'm doing. And I will record all my videos in advance instead of posting them while I'm on the go, because this is very EMF intensive and this would expose me to a lot of EMFs. I would be right there in front of the phone and then it would go to 4G and the machine would be blasting to try to upload these videos. I don't need to do that right away. I record all of them during the day and at the end of my day, I go to the ethernet cable, plug it in, and then I will upload all my stories, for example.
So it is just a change of habit in how you use your gadgets that will really, really make a big difference in your exposure. And if you realize for yourself that it makes a difference, it's worth it to start exploring how much of a difference could it make, especially for people that are chronically ill. Some people start by turning off the wifi at night and they see a tremendous difference. Well, if that alone makes a difference, if you turn off your phone or the wifi router at night and you see a difference, imagine what could happen if you stopped using wifi on your computer and go hardwired.
Now we're talking about many hours per week of exposure that you eliminate. Maybe you're going to start healing faster, feeling better, more energy. I've really heard it all. Some people go even a more extreme step and they will enclose their bed under an EMF blocking canopy, for example, as recommended by certain functional medicine doctors, especially for chronically ill patients. Some people can see a reduction in their need for thyroid medication. Some people start sleeping for the first time in decades. These are miracles. But in the end, and something that is extremely important to stress, is that we're not doing something bizarre or novel by eliminating EMFs. We're going back to how things were a few decades ago.
Mimi MacLean:
I know, right?
Nick Pineault:
So we're just going back to the normal ancestral environment.
Mimi MacLean:
Right. The other thing I would love for you to discuss, which has happened over the last I think decade that no one's really talking about is the smart meters in your house. They kind of have slowly changed the meters. Remember we used to have the meter guys that come to our house and would read the meter and it was all manual. And the companies, the electrical companies have slowly switched them over without asking for permission. And those are extremely toxic, right? Like emitting a lot. So you want to make sure your bedroom is not on the other side. Can you talk a little bit about that?
Nick Pineault:
Sure. Well again, proximity. So imagine that you're turning off your phone at night and the wifi and you say, you know what? I tackled everything. You did a great start and that's great. You should take care of your immediate device that you have control over. There is a problem though when other people expose you. So for example, if you have an entire wall right next to your bedroom that is all smart meters for the entire neighborhood or the entire building, then you might be in trouble. And some people are sleepless, but they cannot turn off the smart meter. So in that case, there are shielding solutions that exist. Or if it's just one smart meter and it is bothering you or you find out that it is really contributing to a large part of your exposure, well, you can have that smart meter replaced in most states or countries.
Sometimes there's a penalty fee you got to pay and it can be a kind of uphill battle against the utility company. Sometimes you can get it replaced with a non-smart meter. If it cannot be replaced, that would be the first step to try. If it cannot be replaced, there are shielding solutions you can put over the meter. Smart meter guard, for example, is one of them. That's a product you put over it and it kind of dampens a signal. But in the end, if people are unsure of what to do or if you're chronically ill and you're able to afford it, just like a mold inspector makes sense if you suspect mold, if you suspect outside EMF sources that you cannot really take control of, I really recommend hiring an EMF consultant. These are people that can come to your home, take readings. There's my colleague, Brian Hoyer, at Shielded Healing. There's the building biology profession, that's there's hundreds of professionals in North America alone now that can come to your home, take readings, and then recommend you the best steps to do.
And if you realize that they're smart meters or if you yourself are a little bit worried about cell towers and these external sources, that can be scary and can be a real problem. Well, these professionals can really help you. Because trying to self navigate this is pretty much like saying, I'm going to do my own mold inspection. I wouldn't do it myself.
Mimi MacLean:
I had someone come to my house and they do everything. They even, they told me, "Oh, your wash machine is wired wrong." I don't know what EMF or whatever that was emitting. They're like, "So that was emitting something up into your daughter's bedroom." So all you had to do was switch the wires. They weren't wired correctly and it was emitting something that was very toxic or whatever. They said it could cause cancer or whatever. And then we also put on, in her room, an on off switch at night. So it helps so that for her room, it would shut off. Because she was above where all the washer and dryers and everything were and that was emitting too much stuff. So it is amazing what they can tell you.
I would love to touch on 5G, if you can. Because I've heard a lot about that. There's obviously a lot of quote unquote conspiracy theories going on around 5G with the vaccines and health. And I don't know if any of that's true and it may be too sticky to touch. But I mean, I would assume, no matter what, it is probably worse because it's a 5G, it's a higher signal. So I don't know, do you have any insight on 5G?
Nick Pineault:
Well, 5G is worse for a lot of reasons. And the reason is we don't need more exposure. It's like saying, do we need even more pesticides to be sprayed everywhere? Right? Well, no one in the right mind would think so. Except I think lately the government of Canada said yes to more pesticides I think. My brother is in agriculture and he was revolted about some news. So anyway, normally, people that have still a head and some intelligence say we should start reducing our toxic exposure. But what we're doing with EMFs is quite the opposite. We're rolling out new technologies, like the 5G is the fifth generation of cellular networks. Well, this is not replacing all previous generations. It's added on top. You still have 3G towers, a lot of them. You still have 4G LTE, and they install 5G on top.
So it means more antennas. It means a densification of the electro-pollution. So we're increasing the levels. And this has been proven now by scientific studies and readings that have been taken in cities. When they install 5G, the pollution goes up. So not only are you exposed to your own devices that you struggle to control and you learn about and all this, but now you get to worry on top of that about all these 5G towers that are being installed closer and closer to people's home. And if one is installed near your home, well, it's like having that wifi router or worse that is always on. You cannot turn it off.
So on top of that, what is very sad is that you get exposed without having consented to it. And you cannot do much about it. You can shield and whatnot, but do you really want to live in a shielded box for the rest of your life? Eventually you got to get out the bed, the shielded room, and do something with your life. So it is just very sad that we're exposed to this. So for me, as far as I don't go necessarily to the same extent as some people do about 5G. There are surveillance issues with the 5G towers. There's a lot of other issues that we could talk about, even the environmental side of things. Environmentalists should be all over it because it is extremely wasteful. It takes so much energy. The material that are used for new antennas and all the tech spaces, it's rare materials.
And so there's a lot of reasons to oppose these technologies and just say, you know what? We should slow down our role. Because at the moment what we have, the infrastructure we have is sufficient and we should stop coming up with a new generation and trashing away your phone every year. This is completely unsustainable for the planet for so many reasons. So it doesn't work. But now it is something pushed by the industry and they create a fake demand or they create a product and then try to argue that it's cool and that people want it.
Mimi MacLean:
They want the money, right? It's all money driven.
Nick Pineault:
Exactly. It is money driven. So that's, as far as 5G goes, to me, it's more of a bad thing. And one of the problems that happened in the last few years is that people freak out so much about 5G that I think they forget about the rest. They forget about wifi having an importance, about if you have a 4G phone, it's not safe either. Everything before 5G was not safe either. 1G was not safe. There were indications in the 1950s in the military when they started using radar, which is a similar technology as cell phone towers, if we put it that way, at a much higher intensity sometimes. But they saw in radar operators that there were health problems and fertility issues. Well, now we're 70 years later and still people keep rolling out these technologies. So it's really the cumulative effect of all this.
And now they're thinking about 6G and global satellites and all this, and it's nonsensical to keep increasing exposure. That's really the problem with 5G. And to be quite honest, we're all forced in a sense in the next years to start using 5G because all the phones are going to switch to 5G. And eventually the 4G towers are going to be gone, so you can't even keep using 4G anymore. So what's going to happen is this, you have to keep using the safe EMF hygiene steps we talked about. Do not use it on the ear, use a speakerphone instead. Use a wired ear set, for example. Turn it off at night. Everything's going to stay through. And before the technology is safe, we have to make it safe. We have to be the safeguards against these exposures. And when you start doing so, you see the benefits. You see the benefits of reducing that kind of stress in your life.
Mimi MacLean:
Are you wearing an Oura Ring?
Nick Pineault:
I am, yep.
Mimi MacLean:
Okay. So that's my question. I struggle with this. Wearing an Oura Ring or an iWatch, is that having a device on your body? How bad is that for you?
Nick Pineault:
Good question.
Mimi MacLean:
I struggle with it because I want to know my sleep and stuff like that, but then I'm like, it's like it's wifi.
Nick Pineault:
Well, it emits a small magnetic field, small electric field because it is battery powered. It is small. Is it completely safe? I couldn't say. But it does not emit wireless if you keep it on airplane mode. And that's my recommendation is to only use wearables that can be used on airplane mode. The Oura Ring is special because it stores the data locally. So it reads your sleep, it will extract your sleep, but while doing so, it's not always pinging your phone with Bluetooth if you tell it not to do so. It's on airplane mode. In the morning, I put it on my charger. I will sync it with my phone on Bluetooth, right, with the wireless, but I don't stay right next to it. And then I put it back on airplane mode. So for me, there's zero exposure to my body as far as Bluetooth goes.
For the iWatch and certain, I think the latest models of Fitbit may be able to do it, I think you can operate them on airplane mode in most situations. But again, if you use the iWatch and you want to receive texts and things like that, well, it is just not ideal because it's a wearable. By default, you're putting it very close to your body, which is completely the opposite of what scientists are saying at the moment. They say do not put a phone in your pocket, do not put a device close to your body. Because yes, for chronically ill people, I talked about sleep and whatnot, but the biggest risk might be the cancers that are more long term. And of course I haven't really heard lately of people getting cancer of the wrists or stuff like that. But if it's in the pocket, it's problematic.
And if you sleep with it and you have exposures, you might be sleeping with it like this, very close to your face. And there are cancer risks to various tissues like the thyroid gland, for example, parotid gland. The acoustic neuromas that can lead to complications that are not cancerous, but that can be dangerous enough leading to death, for example. So personally, I would not really have something that is constantly emitting Bluetooth and that is on my body 24/7. Just with good conscience, I cannot recommend it. Like how dangerous it is? I don't know. We don't know exactly. But if we're being cautious, we would try to minimize how much we rely on these devices.
Mimi MacLean:
Right. Nick, this has been amazing. You have many places that we can find you, emfguy.com, but can you talk a little bit about your summit that's coming up as well?
Nick Pineault:
Yes, emfguy.com. I have courses that can help you figure out this stuff at home. For example, I've got professional training, I've got a podcast, and all the resources are there on the website. Products, my book, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, still good. Years later, it's still, people discover it and rude about it. And I'm very happy to say that I'm going to be writing a next book called The Still Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs. I don't know if it's going to be 2024 or 5, I hope a little bit before that. But I'm starting to dive into the project and I'm excited because I've discovered so much in the last years. Every year I'm learning so much. And usually it has to do with, it's worse than I thought, unfortunately. So anyway, that's why I do the summit, by the way, for my own learning experience, because I interview top scientists, I interview doctors that are specialized in electrosensitivity.
So if you have Lyme, if you've been sickened by mold, if you have multiple chemical sensitivity, these are a huge risk factor for being electrosensitive as well. So this is something you want to listen to. I have some of the best scientists in the world, Professor Holly Wanson, Dr. Martin Paul, these are household names. Dr. Beverly Rubik, who talks about the biofield. So really topnotch scientists and activists and EMF medication specialists that are joining us on a yearly summit. It starts on February 2nd until the 5 of 2023 and it's free to attend for the public during these dates. So I'm excited to spread the word out. The first summit was a real success. And this one, I must say I love the interviews even more. I'm very happy with the content.
Mimi MacLean:
Great. That's awesome. Do you ever... This is a side note, personal note. Do you get nervous? I mean, there's a lot of people who probably don't want you bringing all this information up. Do you ever get nervous for your safety?
Nick Pineault:
For my safety? No, I don't think so. I think it's too widespread now. There are people in governments, scientists, medical doctors on our side of history and it's not... No, I'm not controversial enough. I don't seek controversy. What I used to be afraid of is trolls, internet trolls and things like that. There's plenty of those. But now I've become so good at my craft, I think that I always know how to handle those and I send them to resources that sometimes surprise them. And some of them came back to me with an apology saying, "Well, I thought there was nothing when it comes to EMLs, but you sent me to that electrical engineer who specialized in talking about EMF dangers or this very prestigious Yale guy or this guy from Harvard. And it's bizarre, right? These top level scientists are kind of saying that it might be dangerous." I said, "Yeah, that's why I do this." And I'm only reporting what is out there. And there are very credible scientists. It's not a fringe thing.
Mimi MacLean:
No, it's not. But it's kind of like the cigarettes were from back a long time ago.
Nick Pineault:
It's not wildly recognized, I can give you that. But we're getting there. We're getting there. It's evolving every year and I see new scientists joining and realizing that it's a big issue and being courageous enough to talk about it.
Mimi MacLean:
Yeah, it's a smoking gun. At some point everyone's going to be like, what? It's like cigarettes, right? All of a sudden you're like, wait, we were all smoking cigarettes? And our parents' generation and no one thought about it. No one thought like, oh wait, it causes lung cancer? And then all of a sudden, of course it does. Same thing with this.
Nick Pineault:
Yeah, in a few decades, it's going to be like that. And I'll say, "Oh, I was there. I was there first." And no one will care, but at least people will have changed their habits by then.
Mimi MacLean:
Yes, let's hope. But thank you so much. This has been amazing. I really appreciate your time and good luck with your summit.
Nick Pineault:
Thank you so much. Thanks for having me.
Mimi MacLean:
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