The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
E19: (RE RELEASE) Peptides and SOT therapy with Dr. Kent Holtorf
Kent Holtorf, M.D. is the medical director of the Holtorf Medical Group. He is also founder and director of the non-profit National Academy of Hypothyroidism, which is dedicated to making new evidence-based information available to doctors and patients on the diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism. He has personally trained numerous physicians across the country in the use of bioidentical hormones, hypothyroidism, peptide therapy, stem cell therapy, complex endocrine dysfunction and innovative treatments of chronic fatigue syndrome, weight loss, fibromyalgia and chronic infectious diseases, including Lyme and related diseases. Lyme and associated diseases have been the focus of the Holtorf Medical Group centers and have been a passion of Dr. Holtorf for over 15 years.
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Mimi (00:03):
Welcome to the Heal podcast for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I'm Mimi MacLean, mom of five, founder of Lyme 360, and a Lyme warrior. Tune in each week to hear from doctors, health, practitioners, and experts to hear about their treatments, struggles and triumphs to help you on your healing journey. I'm here to heal with you. Welcome back to the heal podcast. This is Mimi, today we have Dr. Kent hauteur. He's an MD and medical director of the Holtorf Medical Group in California, Lyme and associated diseases have been the focus of the Holtorf Medical Group. And it's been a passion of Dr. Holtorf's for over 15 years. He's also a chronic Lyme warrior as well. Thank you so much Dr. Holtorf for coming on today. I really appreciate it. And I am so excited to talk to you after meeting you at Ride Out Lyme and all the great things that you're doing for the Lyme community. And so I'm really excited to hear about your practice and everything that you're doing for the Lyme community.
Dr. Holtorf (01:04):
Well, thank you so much. It's really an honor and a pleasure to be on and all the things you're doing instead of you gotten better and learned a lot, but you're out there helping people and so many for going through this, and they're all just treated like crap and told us in their head, doctors tell them that then they start doubting it because it tends to be, people have empathy for about two to four weeks and they start going, well, why don't you just exercise? You know, you look fine and it's tough. One of the spouses isn't onboard, it's a tough illness. And when I had it bed bound and heart failure, it wasn't worth living, you know? And I just feel so bad for so many people and they don't know where to go. And they go to, their doctors says, Oh, there's no Lyme in California. It's not, it. It's like a logical, all their friends and family they've lost their, you know, it's horrible. And like, you can't explain how bad you feel. They are like, Oh yeah, I've been sick. Like, no, you don't get it. It's horrible. And they're like, well, why don't you just work a little bit? Like, I'm going to kill you. Yeah.
Mimi (02:15):
And go ahead and get some fresh air, go for a walk.
Dr. Holtorf (02:18):
It's like, yeah. So, and in people who are very empathetic, there's just something about it. And then I think also once you get better, it's kind of, I think a defense mechanism evolutionarily that you forget how bad you feel, you know?
Mimi (02:36):
And you know, what's interesting about that, that you said is that when you forget, it's like today I can feel great and I could wake up tomorrow morning and feel badly. Or even you could feel really great in the morning. And then by the afternoon, you're in bed in tears crying. And you're like, how did that unfold so fast? And people be like, well I saw you this morning, you looked so great.
Dr. Holtorf (02:55):
Can't plan anything. And you cancel everything. And I think guys, not to be sexist, but in general, I know guys are like, are you coming? No. Okay. Who cares? Like, you know, women cancel something like, Oh, what do you hate me? You never come, you know? And you lose your friends and they're on your back and it's tough. And then you add not sleeping and anxiety on top of feeling horrible. It's again, no one can describe how horrible it is.
Mimi (03:26):
It is. And there's no really solution. And that's the problem. And that's why I'm excited to talk to you today because you had chronic line and you got better. And I think that's why you've decided to help people.
Dr. Holtorf (03:37):
You know, I'm not religious, I'm kind of an atheist, I guess I said, God, but I said, I will sacrifice everything. You know, just get me better. You will, I'd rather be homeless and feel good that, you know, we, and we go through the day, we always want, Oh, I should have gotten a raise, or I got a parking ticket, or that guy looked at me weird. Like, dude, that's nothing. You should be so grateful. But as soon as you get better, you're kind of like back to yourself. Right. Complaining. Like I can't complain, but I will. Yeah. So it's human nature, you know?
Mimi (04:17):
What did you ultimately you think got you better?
Dr. Holtorf (04:20):
Yeah. Well, just like quick. My story was, I got, what I think is the most common mode of transmission is in utero. And I know my whole family had it. My mom just was a sweating machine. Dad had chronic fatigue syndrome before it was ever known my brother's addiction problems, which was babesia. Uh, like I had one side of my body would sweat. One pupil was always bigger than the other. My left arm would stop working for a week. You know, I couldn't find anything. And then as I went through school, I could function, but really tired, but could never sleep. I don't remember. You know? And I'd always have nightmares, not even nightmares night terrors, like someone was always trying to skin me alive. You know, I think it was like, I could function and then going through medical school, like something's wrong. So I went to the university doctors and they're like, Oh, you're depressed. You're stressed. I'm like, I'm not depressed. And they're like, Oh, it's very common. You know, any depressed, like I don't need any press. And like, and it's getting worse. It got to the point where, and you can't explain this to a doctor. Like it's so mentally fatiguing to talk to a patient that I can't do this. And so I'm like, what do I do? I went into anesthesia because they're asleep. I want to talk to them. And then I started it. It's ingrained. Do not alternative conferences mean no evidence. So I'm like, I'm not doing that. But then I'm like, I got to do something. So I went to these so called alternative conference. I'm like, Holy crap, these are more evidence based then what they're teaching us in residency. And then I started to, uh, did a lot of high T3 hormones, viral immune modulation and like, I feel pretty damn good. And so I'm like, I gotta get out of anesthesia, but then I'm like, should I stay out of medicine? And then I started a beer company and then, uh, at a hangover free beer. And then they said, can't do that. But anyway, so I was practicing medicine during the day and then basically turned into just treating. So I got better. I was treating chronic fatigue. It was just kind of before line, even right. And beginning chronic fatigue syndrome. There was entrepreneur who had fibromyalgia, went to all the experts around the country. No one could help him. He came in within two visits, he's like normal. So he's like, Oh my gosh, we've got to bring this around. The country, allow other people to have access. So we started with 23 centers, firearm fatigue centers around the country. And I was doing the whole medical side and training all the doctors and blah, blah, blah. And then we got investors, which I was naive. Like that sounds good. Turns out like we're in a board meeting and I'm like, that will never work. They're like, like you're a doctor. I'm a Harvard MBA. And I'm like, Oh God. So long story short. I go, I'm out of here. Your direction they're going is, is terrible. They just, it's not just a business. We're talking sick patients and you have a connection. And then they ended up firing the two people that started it with, but he actually got an offer to buy it. And they said, no. And then six months later, they're out of business. You know? So, and then I started franchises and started doing that. And then we had about nine at first franchise was a hospital and we got the patients so much better. The hospital staff was two hours outside of Kansas city, small town, the doctors revolted and said, you know, they're doing medieval medicine. So the CEO calls me. He goes, you gotta come down here and calm these people down. And they say, you're not doing real medicine. And start to go down and say, okay, I'm going to show them. We're evidence based and they are not bad move. So I went there and gave the talk and like rheumatologist stands up and leaves within 30 seconds and said I'm not listening to this crap and you're going to have to talk to the chief of staff. He's so mad. So I go talk to him and he says, my wife has been sick for 15 years. I've sent, sent her to every one of these yahoos and in two visits, she's 90% better. So don't worry, I'll deal with the doctors. I'm like, no, you won't, they're basically never going to accept it. So I said, just say, we're gone change the name. No one will know. But they found that out. He tried to tell him the truth and I'm like, it was just jealousy. Like they endocrinologist there got like 37 calls about reverse T three the first week and just really made him mad. He goes, you know, they think they're better than us type thing. And so we had a play there, but it turns out what the franchises does that I don't want to run another doctor's practice. It just drove me crazy. So we had like nine franchise 11 and the nine, and then we just kind of sold us off. So now we just have our core center, which is nice. There's enough drama to go around for that. And then we've been shut down our San Francisco office and then we just have one franchise. We just, they are no problem. So anyways, good God. I know that. It's just, and then it was doing fine, felt that it was a hundred percent, but I wasn't, you know, you don't know, you don't know what normal is. Like I mentioned, you know, growing up by one pupil was always bigger than the other. Then I went through a stressful divorce and I give talks on where we brought to become an immune modulation clinic. Is that, Oh my God, I just got hit by a bus. Went into heart failure, could not walk up a flight of stairs. And the cardiologist says, well, maybe in 10 years, we'll get 10% better. I'm like, I can't deal with this. I mean, I couldn't stand up.
Mimi (10:11):
How long ago was this?
Dr. Holtorf (10:14):
Was this eight years ago? Something like that. And then I'm like, I got to figure this out, you know? And we are treating more chronic fatigue syndrome because we didn't even really know about why, but I knew it was lime and, but be sweating like crazy. But my blood was so thick. You couldn't take it out. It was even with the giant catheter.
Mimi (10:37):
That's how mine is.
Dr. Holtorf (10:39):
Yeah. So it's immune activation regulation, especially with Babesia, heparins, you know, this is a mainstay. So went around the world. Then I ended up doing a lot of crazy stuff, a lot of stuff worked. There's a lot of things that work peptides, STEM cells also help exosomes reverse my heart failure in about 90% better. And about a year and about a year and a half totally normal and you go back to the cardiologist and it's like, that's interesting. Um, okay. Like, don't you want to know? Yeah. But we see that all the time and we're still having kind of on and off symptoms and Oh, I did. And like, during that time we were into the big, just massive doses of antibiotics and I was doing seven antibiotics at a time at doses, I would never give a patient because of the risk, no better, you know, three and a half years. So I'm like, there's gotta be a better way. And you know, went around and found the peptides. And I'm like, damn, I'm feeling pretty good. So really started incorporating those into the clinic. And we have found that, you know, we use antibiotics and we will use anything that works, but they really become the core. And because normally what happens is as you get infected Lyme, once you get infected, so there's two sides the immune system. TH1 gets stuff inside the cell, TH2 gets stuff outside of the cell. And this is really TH1 and T Rey. And this is the TH2 TH17. Now they used to think [inaudible] caused a lot of autoimmune. If you look online like TH1 autoimmunity, like Hashimoto's no, like why did they respond to the same treatment? You know? And, but it was TH17. They looked like TH1 just kind of a side note. But so we would check like natural killer cell. So the line suppresses TH1, which let's get stuff inside the cell. And then it goes inside the cell. So now your body can't fight it. But what it does is T H 2 goes high. Now you got all this inflammation, you all this pain flu, like the TA brain fog, all these things, hypothalamic, pituitary inflammation, which causes low thyroid, by the way, every Lyme patient is low thyroid. You know, there's probably a couple that have Graves, but other than that, they're all low. Even though their TSH is normal, they're all low adrenal. They're all low growth hormone. They're all low everything because doctors base their diagnosis on assuming the hypothalamic pituitary axis is intact. It is not now by definition. So all of the patients need multi hormone treatment. You got mitochondrial dysfunction, gastrointestinal like gut brain access is huge, slate brain deucing inflammation, toxins, neurotoxins, mold, coagullation. I mean, activation of coagullation. So what happens is the immune system causes not a blood clot, but it causes the body to lay down fiber and on the vessels. So what it does is now it tries to wall off the infection, which is good in the short term, but now hormones can't get through waste products cn't get out and oxygen that you just take two seconds to get into the cell. Now it takes up to two minutes and you can do a little parlor trick and what sometimes we'll do this, but it kinda depends not perfect. Cause it kind of depends on a person's that basically their willingness to have effort, but you put a pulsox on. And I say, the postdocs is 98. Now you have them blow it all their air and then hold their breath. So in a normal person, basically the blood. So the oxygen goes from the lungs into the blood and he goes into the arteries and then in the capillaries into the cell. So it drops. But with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme patients, it doesn't, it's not getting into the tissues. So what happens is their SATs will barely go down, but a normal person's will drop and that's, don't go down and you go, Oh, that's great. No, your cells are basically anaerobic. They're not getting enough oxygen. So again, it's not a perfect test, but it kind of shows we found and studies show about 80% of people with Lyme chronic fatigue syndrome. I have that. And obesity is probably the biggest culprit. Yeah.
Mimi (15:05):
Interesting. And so if someone came to you, how do you immediately like test them? Is that the only test that you would give or do you give other tests to determine if this is what's going on?
Dr. Holtorf (15:14):
We do. I like getting a ton of tests, you know, upfront, and we can get most requests, whether insurance is covered, but we can pick out like the phlebotomist hate us because we'll do, we'll fill out the whole thing, 35 tests. Right? So you either think we're a great doctor or just a horrible doctor. And I went in myself once and they're like, Oh, this is that doctor, that orders, all these things. I'm like, Oh yeah. What do you think it, you know, it's funny, but of course they screwed him up anyways and you want to paint a picture. And I think part of our job as a physician is to demonstrate to the patient, like, I can tell you what your labs are going to look like, right? And you're gonna have a low natural killer cell function. You're going to have high T H 2 human transforming growth factor, beta CFRA. You're going to have cuaguopothy and like studies show with chronic fatigue syndrome, 25% have low natural killer cell number, 80% low natural killer cell function. So the natural killer cells are there, but they're not working. And that is what kills interstellar infections and also cancer. So we can pick someone out, just looking at their blood tests, no history, not meeting the person and how severe, probably 70, 80% of the time. And it's interesting when you look at the big panel, the autistic kids look just about exactly the same post traumatic stress, all those things I do want to mention stress. And one big problem with the diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia has done such a disservice. So fibromyalgia is basically a dog, you know, pressing on these tender points. There's nothing special about the center points, nothing. How did he die from sight? You have pain all over and there, there you go. And you got rheumatologists spending 20 minutes with this Dolometer, you know, it's, it's nuts, but with the new criteria, it's basically based on post exertional fatigue. If you exercise or get stressed, you feel worse, especially along with sleep disorder or the more strange the symptoms, especially neurologic like brain fog, shooting pains is Lyme until proven otherwise. And so you have migrating joint pain, nothing else does that. You know, so, and then, you know, we'll evaluate where, you know, multi-system treatment, you gotta fix so many things. We often go with the gut first and that's where peptides have become a core of our treatment. We other things, of course, they're all low thyroid, but they need T3 with the adrenals and something, you know, growth hormone, mitochondria, mitochondria is huge. I mean, they all have low mitochondria. And so we'll check people's basal metabolic rate, which measures the amount of calories they burn over 24 hours. But does it in like 10 minutes and then extrapolates on average, they're about 25% lower. So 500, 600 calories, less mitochondria aren't working. So there's a number of peptides that directly boost mitochondrial function. I mean, you can do all the, you know, Koki 10, a PQQ and NAD. I mean, I like those things, but we have things like five amino, one MQ. And we're also finding like turn around of people with OCD, with depression, like within two days, they're like, Oh my gosh. Or all their muscle pain goes away. Or they're like, Oh my God, I feel good. I was able to sleep. Sleep is huge because of the hypothalamus gets inflamed, which is where the sleep center is. So you're awake all night.
Mimi (19:00):
What do you suggest for people to sleep, but what are your suggestions?
Dr. Holtorf (19:03):
Really? Our favorite cocktail is Delta sleep, inducing, peptide at battalion, and then either growth, hormone AOD, which is a fragment of growth hormone, or like CJC dip Memorial, which boosts your own growth hormone, combine those three. And like, don't this, it's not a sleeping pill. You know, it's sleepy and lowers the inflammation of the hypothalamus and that's what you really want. And it also, so when I gave this last weekend, a talk on how peptides can fix your thyroid without giving thyroid. Although I, I always give, you know, are almost always give T3 to boost kind of like a cast until you fix everything else. That's the key. And it gets a little complicated, but all the people with any chronic inflammation, chronic illness, their pituitary is very different than everywhere else in the body. It sees more thyroid when you're sick while the rest of the body sees less. So that TSH drops, right? And so the doctor's like your thyroid is fine while your body's starving for thyroid. And so I published, I don't know, five review articles, major journals with 400 references showing the way that we are diagnosed and treating hypothyroidism in this country is wrong. So when people need T3, a lot of people, Oh my gosh, this looks better of Indiana with IVs, a LA Bozon. And we'll talk about sot, but we'll also the peptides really boost the STEM cell function. And like with some beta four, we'll run in a big dose. And while people on fentanyl go, my pain's gone. What the heck? You know? And they're starting to be so safe. You know, not nothing works for everyone, but in the matter is also timing. And sometimes you do, you try product a doesn't work, then you try product B doesn't work, doesn't work, do them together at work, you know? And it's also timing something didn't work in the beginning matters. We're where you are. You know, mitochondrial boosters are big. The immune modulators though. Yeah. I think your audio thymus and alpha one. So there's different ones that what you want to do. Cause you're all these Lyme patients. So like this, they can't fight the infection. Doesn't matter how much any Biotics you give, because they'll never kill all the infects your body has to take over. But if your immune system so low, then you can't give enough any botics. And I remember when I was in the hospital with the sepsis, I go on, I remember the nurses sitting outside. I could hear them. And they're like, this, isn't an AIDS patient who keeps turning up negative. And the infectious disease doctors come in, they know, and they're like, listen, we are not treating your chronic or get you through this. You know, but we're not even talking about the other. I said, I said, okay, I don't have Lyme. Tell me what I have. No, no, no, we don't do that. So it's one of those things. If you have a chronic infection, don't go see the infectious disease doctor. If you have hormone problems, don't go see an OB or endocrinologist. They're just diabetics and obese. Generally our surgeons, they take parts out and usually you can prevent that. But we found once you fix that immune system, then things start working. Especially also like we find that some people do IVs, nothing, nothing, nothing. Then you give them heparin, which cleans up that gunk. So stuff can now get in and everything starts working. So, but the list, everything we do, like every person is very, very different. And we have like weird treatments, like, Oh, this is, you know, let's do this. I'm very AED. And I want people to get better fast. So I'll tend to do a lot of things at once, which is good and bad. I mean, I think, you know, some people go or drives me crazy is okay, take these antibiotics for a year. Then call me, you know?
Mimi (23:09):
Right. You want it. Like, I give a doctor like two months. If I'm not feeling better, even a little better in two months, I'm like, I'm on to the next doctor. Like, this is crazy. I have to be able to feel a little better. Somewhat like not more negative, like, Oh, you're herxing. No, I just want to feel a little better.
Dr. Holtorf (23:24):
Yeah. You know, 10 years ago was like, Oh, you're feeling worse. Good. That was good. Yeah.
Mimi (23:30):
Yeah, no, I need to feel better.
Dr. Holtorf (23:33):
And we've had good luck with STEM cells and exosomes. SOT has probably been one of the biggest.
Mimi (23:40):
Can you tell me more about that? I'm really interested about that.
Dr. Holtorf (23:43):
It's called antisense therapy and it's used mostly for cancer. And how it works is basically whether it's a cancer cell or a chronic infection. So they need to basically tell the cells what to do to the body. So they open up their DNA. A piece of RNA comes by and transcribes that then goes over to the ribosome and then we'll tell the body what to do. So what they do is they give you they'll check your DNA and they'll find the gene that is needed for replication in that organism or in that cell. That's not in your body. So, you know, you could give a compliment, a piece of RNA that sticks there, blocks it, but it's basically will get broken down. So it's a stabilized versions. What's around about three, four months. So it's just sitting there and every time it tries to replicate, it stops it. So there's not a lot of die off. You can get a little bit like anything that's inactive replications and people get die off, but it's not nearly as bad. And when I thought it was good, I'm like, I don't think I have any more. I did it. And I'm like, damn, I remember what die off. It was like a very, my mini version. And it's interesting. Everyone gets like, are a lot of people I should say, get sore quadriceps. They just strange. But I was happy. I'm like, I just know I'm going to feel better. And then I'm like getting out of bed. Like I never got out of bed. I always took me like a couple hours to get out of bed. That was just normal. And I'm like, is this normal people do?
Mimi (25:21):
How quickly was that after doing the treatment?
Dr. Holtorf (25:24):
A couple of weeks. Okay. Yeah. And then now I turned out what a couple of ways to do it. You send in your blood and they'll do, what's basically called the prem slot. So they'll measure with PCR what your highest issue is and what's your lowest. And a lot of people were coming up positive for HIV. So the one, and I'm like, I don't know if I believe that, but it just be one loves the brain and these herpes viruses, for instance, in my thyroid lecture, they Lance it huge Jill worldwide journal did thyroid biopsies people with Hashimoto's, they found 80% had active HHBC. But if you tested in the blood, it wasn't active. So you get a lot of these infections. So we find a lot of that. You want to do sometimes if that's the highest, you'll do that first. And then about three weeks later, you do the second thing. And I would say 80% of people respond significantly. Like I feel better. And about 30% are just like I am, that's it. You know, how many patients do you see that are mostly Lyme? Or is it more cancer? My thought on is I try to refer that because if you don't just do cancer, I don't want to miss something, you know, or some little Pearl that I saw at a conference, because I don't go to a ton of cancer conferences.
Mimi (26:55):
If someone were to call you that doesn't live in Los Angeles and says, I was just diagnosed with Lyme, what would you suggest that they would do given if they're across the country, they don't have access to your treatments.
Dr. Holtorf (27:08):
Yeah, that is the time I would do high dose antibiotics and I would probably do four. So the standard is to give you anxiety of America. It's a four letter word, but basically you can save yourself years and years of misery by treating cause plus there's Lyme plus there's a 70 something percent had multiple infections. You got make sure those people just get doxycycline 80% relapse. And the problem with the relapse, it's usually years later and they start with, you know, I got some gut issues. I got migraines, I got this weird joint pain and they ended up, Oh, and I got autoimmune disease now. And they ended up with, you know, 30 diagnoses and it's from their line that wasn't treated. And it's, it's a crime to give doxycycline for two to four weeks. It drives it into the, into the cells and drives it.
Mimi (28:18):
So what other one do you give in addition to that?
Dr. Holtorf (28:21):
You know, it, it depends on where they are and you know, I like, you know, basically a cephalosporin macrolide, like, you know, like let's say roast stuff, I'll do IV for a bit, a macrolide, like zip through all, it's hard to get that covered. So a clarithromycin like that, a Linea rifampin, I probably added there Babesia or Bartonella, but there's so many things. So that's one time. I mean, I'm pretty aggressive with a lot of things, but generally not with antibiotics for long term. Like I don't stick with any Biotics for over and over and over, but that's when it's really worth bang for your buck to do it and say people also, you know, with pregnancy to make sure that baby doesn't get it, we'll do also them some higher doses, but also fixing the immune system right off the bat because already, and you know, they say, Oh, the tick needs to be attached for three to seven days.
Mimi (29:21):
No, as long as it broke the skin that's my philosophy.
Dr. Holtorf (29:21):
So you want to do the peptides that modulating the immune system. And so we really saw this coming with the FDA, you know, they've been wanting to shut down compounding pharmacies and then a company pharmacy that was supplying most the country. They weren't doing some things and may got shut down. So really hindered getting peptides. But there's also a bigger issue where the FDA with compounding, they wanted to stop him for like years of estriol like, who's been harmed by installed no one. And I did reviews showing how it's safer and all these things. But so there's a list now that says, this is what you can compound the other stuff, whatever you do, as long as it's safe and a doctor's order now with their, all their wisdom, they're saying, we're going to tell you what you can compound. There's going to be a list. We're going to go through every substance. So you have like doctors like Dr. Anderson and thing, are you okay? We need this out of, I don't know how they've gone through 1800, they approved eight, about 75% of those. Basically. They won't even listen to the argument. They go, no, we don't. We don't need that. And then if they don't like it, even though there's tons of studies, just to what they're going to do with hormones is say it's difficult to compound. You know, they're going to stay with hormones. What if you're off a little bit or thyroid, they're going to say that too well, difficult to compound for whom we test everything. But I worry that they're going to win this time and it's going to kill all the compounding pharmacies, all the integrated doctors and the patients. And no one is doing anything. Cause they're just kinda doing it behind the scenes and people are saying, Oh, it will take years. I all of a sudden, one day, you're not going to get it. So what we've done is I know it's going to cost this much, but it costs half a million dollars. Talk with FDA attorneys. We've got this giant dream team of FDA attorneys talking with the head of enforcement of supplements with the FDA, able to make some key peptides as supplements that are orally bioavailable. But that's currently out of the reach of the FDA. So know we have a thymus is beta for frag cause TB four, won't absorb orally. It's too big, but actually keep it for frag as it has multi-domain tea before, if you think about it. So teach one raises diamonds, an alpha one raises th one, but I must've made a four kind of modulates both and then BPC kinda lowers teach to and provides a ton of healing. So that's kind of what we, we start with. And the studies show also that orally is equal potent for systemic illness as injectable. Although some people prefer, like, let's say they have an S so we prefer the cap so that people refer to the injections, you know, but they work as well. So we have pharmacy paid for our frag, which has all the effects of tea before, but we took out the part that stimulates mast cells.
Mimi (32:42):
That's the part. I still get massive hives. And I'm, I'm thinking I have mast cells
Dr. Holtorf (32:48):
You definitely do. It's just so common. And then, so we're coming out with a lot of new part. We have cerebral license, which you can't get anymore orally. We're just showing the work with studies, changing its brain peptides. It's used for Alzheimer's and memory lowers brain inflammation increases, brain factor. And that one is a licensed product. So it's exactly, you know, we know that you're not just getting some whatever, but we, and part of the whole deal in order to do this, we have to test much, much more than a company pharmacy or anything like that. And we're coming up with a lot of cool unique products like KTV or you've heard of that, but the Malana court. And so off of monocytes do any hormone is so anti-inflammatory and the problem is people don't use a lot of it. Cause it's like, Malana tan. Have you heard of that? Where it basically lowers your inflammation, causes weight loss and makes you tan and increases libido. So it's like, Hey, I'll tell you, but it took it. And it wasn't working and I'm, you know, patient and all of a sudden I just turned so dark. It was just, you can certainly do it. There's PT one 41, which is for erectile dysfunction works a hundred percent of the time. And people have failed bag CLS, which is very common with Lyme sexual dysfunction and one, you feel terrible, but you also have autonomic dysfunction, mass cell problems, interstitial cystitis that inability to start a stream and urination and pain and cramps. But it is there it's one of the strongest mass cell inhibitors. And it's actually also in the gut. So we've come out with that. Delta sleep also is probably one of the best anti-inflammatories like we had one person come in to do an IV. She had seizures for years and years from basically brain infection, right? And then all these, you know, antiseizure medications. And if she has any treatment at all, like any little lime and see she starts having a seizure. So we loaded up with Delta sleep inducing, peptide, BPC, TB far, no seizures. So really the key is, is to, you want to lower that inflammation and like, you know, the gut brain access being so important where, you know, the gut controls the brain. And so many people have leaky gut. If you have leaky gut, you have leaky brain. And that's where they're finding where with the leaky brain is a lot of people will have HSE one in their oral cavity and it allows it to go up the olfactory nerves through the blood brain barrier into the brain and, you know, MacDonald head of Harvard brain bank biopsy, all the Alzheimer's patients, a hundred percent headline, are you serious? A hundred percent. He wasn't not the published it because it said a little cause too much panic. And they're often basically associate also with HSV one and then also nematodes. So sometimes they're inside the nematodes that are creepy, right? And also with like the CJC, the crucible disease has a lot to do with that HSB one causing the misfolding and lime. And probably it way too complicated here. But I don't know if you've heard of bacteria phages, but the curious phages are basically viruses that are very specific for bacteria. And those basically were discovered pretty much the same time by the same guy who discovered penicillin. And he goes, Oh, I kind of him better. You know? So we came next to the bacteriophages, but the nice to have the bacteriophages is they're very specific and they don't hurt any of the other bacteria and, or human cells are just very specific for that. But it's interesting that blind doesn't have one. It has one, but what it does instead of killing it, it inserts itself into the DNA of the Lyme and changes a behavior. And it will also increase its barrier lens, which then that virulence can be transferred to other bacteria. So it's a bad gig. So they found that kind of those three things probably cause all these plaques in Alzheimer's he found a hundred percent, uh, we find out what ALS Parkinson's that that's like, your friend was saying, I forgot it was a four week we got on, but almost everything's infectious autoimmune disease. I have not seen an autoimmune disease that isn't driven by a chronic infection.
Mimi (37:41):
It's crazy. It's kind of scary, but thank you. This has been amazing. There's a lot to take in. I think peptide sounds like it's very promising. And so does the sot.
Dr. Holtorf (37:53):
With the peptides too. We have like antimicrobial peptides at yellow, 37, which shown that kill the Lyme, a spore around body better than tonight is all, but you don't want the side effects. You've got just more and more coming out and they can't find a toxic dose. And a lot of them, we have like a thousand times a dose and no side effects. Try that with Tylenol. Actually try that with water. You're going to die if you drink that much, that's, what's nice is the same as air. But you know, since it's helping so many people and becoming popular and so safe, the FDA wants to ban it. That's pretty much how it works.
Mimi (38:33):
I know it's unfortunate. So anybody else wants to hear more from dr. Halter off. He'll be speaking at the eyelids convention, which I assume is going to be online. I'm not sure if it's available to everybody, but
Dr. Holtorf (38:44):
I'd rather talk about Lyme because I was backed up. Cause it's on COVID, which is a whole crazy thing. I don't want black helicopters coming up, but it's not, to be honest, we have way more medications that right now that will keep people from dying in the hospital because every other state that's my just opinion. It's the, you know, take just me. They come after people. Then if they're not doing any of these things and you can prevent it tremendously. And the studies show that and stop it from progressing and it's become so political and fighting,
Mimi (39:24):
Just start reading and opening your eyes is what I tell people.
Dr. Holtorf (39:27):
And which unfortunately medicine is becoming more and more like that, you know? And it's just, it's sad and it makes me mad. I gotta go, okay, can't get mad because what is that going to help? You know that it's very sad and people get so misinformed because their doctor tells them, Oh, this is, this is crazy. Usually the less the doctor knows the more adamant they're right. And patients also, they like to be told what to do and they're scared to take control of their own health. And that's what you're here for is to be comfortable with, Hey, investigate, you know, and or it's like, if a doctor you'll ask them a ton of question, go, go on Google, find everything. There's great information. There's misinformation. I tell patients, just search the heck out of it. We'll talk about it. Right. And if a doctor tells you not to do that run because they can't support their treatments or know much about the illness, but it's a tough time. Anyways.
Mimi (40:37):
I know what I could talk to you for hours because I love learning everything that's going on and, and ways to heal people. Cause it's just heartbreaking hearing people's stories and feeling alone. And there's not a solution. And for them to keep taking things away and not even providing a solution, it was hard. It's one thing that they say, Oh, we have a solution. Then you can't do the other stuff. But there isn't one. So yeah.
Dr. Holtorf (40:58):
No, they're solution is that it's not real. I don't have to worry about it. Cause it's fake. It's in your head. Yeah.
Mimi (41:06):
Well, good luck to you. Thank you. I will definitely come and visit you when I'm back in Los Angeles. After I will, I will. Thank you so much.
Dr. Holtorf (41:15):
Well, thank you. You're doing a great job. Keep it up
Speaker 1 (41:23):
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