The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+
EP 74: Sustainable Living and Detoxing Your Life with Luci Petlack (Re-Release)
A sustainable home is good for the environment and in turn good for our health but detoxing our lives can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start - that’s where Luci Petlack comes in with her sustainable living blog Luci’s Morsels. She focuses on making sustainable living accessible and attainable with tips on replacing plastic in your home, refillable and clean beauty brands, and sustainable gift ideas!
Tune in to hear what are some easy sustainable swaps to make, why we should avoid plastic and the power of detoxing your home, and its positive effect on your health.
I put together a Free Detox for Lyme Checklist for you. Click here to get your copy:
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Mimi Maclean:
Welcome to the Heal podcast for all things related to Lyme disease and other chronic illnesses. I'm Mimi Maclean, mama of five, founder of Lyme 360, and a Lyme warrior. Tune in each week to hear from doctors, health practitioners, and experts to hear about their treatments, struggles and triumphs to help you on your healing journey. I'm here to heal with you.
Mimi Maclean:
This week's podcast is brought to you by Air Oasis. As a Lyme warrior, I know how important it is to have clean air in the home. I've been using a room air purifier but recently had to purchase an all home unit to combat mold issues throughout our house. I did some research and found a great company called Air Oasis. Their air purifiers help fight bacteria, viruses, and mold. So, if you have not put in an air purifier into your home, go to lyme360.com/airoasis. They carry room units as well as entire home units.
Mimi Maclean:
Hi. Welcome back to the Heal podcast. This is Mimi Maclean from Lyme 360. And today, we have Luci Petlack on. And she's from lucismorsels.com, Which is a wellness blog that concentrates on sustainable living.
Mimi Maclean:
To get my detox for Lyme checklists, go to lyme360.com/detoxchecklist.
Mimi Maclean:
Luci, thank you so much for coming on today. I'm so excited to have you on. Luci owns a blog or website called lucismorsels.com. She focuses on sustainability as well as other lifestyle blog stuff. And so, I thought she would be great to talk to about ways to detox your life and have a sustainable house, which in turn is much better for your health. So, thank you, Luci for coming on.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. Thank you for having me.
Mimi Maclean:
I know you necessarily haven't dealt with the health issues, but you've made sustainability, which is good for the environment and good for the earth, but in turn is also good for your health. So, I would love for you to just talk about, it's very overwhelming if you decide to try to detox your life. What would you say is the first things that someone should start? Start chiseling away, that lists. What would the easiest takeaways, the low-hanging fruits?
Luci Petlack:
I think there's two avenues to go down, and it depends what your lifestyle is of which one works better for you. Any time I start down a new path, let's say, clean beauty, which is one of my examples. I like to cheat and let other people do the work. I am not about to remember 1,500 plus ingredients that I'm supposed to avoid. Nobody is. There's probably some people, but I'm certainly not one of them. And so, in terms of shopping for clean beauty, there are maybe four or five different websites that sell exclusively clean beauty. They each have their own standards because there isn't actually really a regulation around skincare and makeup in terms of what's clean or not clean. So, I tend to go there, at least for informational purposes, and find out what products, what brands are selling. Even if I end up buying that somewhere else, I can find what they've just deemed as clean. And then, that just takes the work out of it for me.
Mimi Maclean:
What sites are they? Do you mind sharing that?
Luci Petlack:
No. No. Absolutely. Okay. I don't want to forget any of them. One of them is Follain, which is where I got started. F-O-L-L-A-I-N. And they do have some brick-and-mortar stores mostly on the east coast, but then, they have an online thing, an online website [inaudible 00:03:35]. And they also have some of their own products within their brand for everyday skincare. The detox market is another good one, Credo, C-R-E-D-O, is a third one. And then, a more recent discovery of mine, and I do really love this one, is Naked Poppy.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh. [crosstalk 00:03:51] Y? P-O-P-P-Y?
Luci Petlack:
Yes. Yes, Yes. One of the things I really like about them is they have this quiz you can take. I think it takes two or three minutes. And they ask about your skin concerns, your skin history, the colors you like to wear, jewelry and clothes. And then, from that, they give you a list of specific products and specific shades. It's hard buying makeup online, and most big retail stores don't have clean makeup samples for you to try. So, I like that because then, if you're really new to this, it's not so overwhelming. They're here, try this product as a cleanser. And this one as a-
Mimi Maclean:
That's great.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. So, I really that. There are certainly others. And a lot of big stores sell clean products. It's just not always easy to find them. So, you can certainly find clean products at Target, and Walmart, and any drug store. Each may or may not know where to find them. So, that's the clean beauty thing. I just let other people do that work. And then, I figure out what works for me.
Luci Petlack:
And then, the other one that I've gotten really into in the last year or so is cleaning products around my house. Partly because, well, I hate the smell of cleaning products. I always have, long before I cared what I was smelling was actually not good for me to inhale. So, I've discovered baking soda and vinegar and how simple that is.
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah, but do you like the smell of that?
Luci Petlack:
I put some essential oils in there, and it cleans up pretty easily. I only use the vinegar stuff when I'm really trying to scrub some stuff out. Otherwise, I'm trying to think, the counter cleaner that I use, if you look for the DIY recipes, there's a counter cleaner that's a infused vinegar, and it sits with lemon and orange, but I don't have time for that. I'm just being honest. But also, we have stone counters, so I'm not supposed to use that one anyway. So, the recipe I use has, I think, water, castile soap, rubbing alcohol, [inaudible 00:05:47] essential oil. So, it doesn't really smell like anything...
Mimi Maclean:
Recommend any website, or app, or brands.
Luci Petlack:
I have a book called Simply Living Well. And in it, she actually will tell you how to make all of your own skincare, your makeup, everything.
Mimi Maclean:
Luci Petlack:
But there's a lot of, I'm obsessed with this book. It's like my happy place. It's got beautiful photography.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh good.
Luci Petlack:
Lovely. But the section in there that I love is the home cleaning stuff. We get so caught up in trying to disinfect everything. And in fact, all that disinfectant stuff's probably not doing us much good.
Mimi Maclean:
Just is so bad. You don't know, but a lot of people like myself included, Lyme triggers mast cell. And when you have mast cell, any smell makes me have hives. I have a new cleaning person at my house, and they didn't listen, and they didn't use my stuff. I literally will break out in hives, and I can go find them exactly. It could be two stories up, and I'm like, "Okay, you used something you weren't supposed to use." It affects us major. But anyway.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. But I like these just because you can pick and choose... The book, some of them will have different recipes, depending on what you have. If you look, I just Google stuff all the time. Me and Google are besties. There's usually more than one recipe for cleaning. The only thing to watch out for is you don't want to use an ingredient, say vinegar or whatever, on something that has a seal where it's going to break up the seal.
Mimi Maclean:
Eat it [crosstalk 00:07:07].
Luci Petlack:
Yeah, exactly. That's the only thing you really have to watch out for. And I do find in a lot of ways, water does a lot of good cleaning magically.
Mimi Maclean:
Well, hydrogen peroxide, right? If you use hydrogen peroxides kills a lot.
Luci Petlack:
Yes. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. I just recently learned the difference between rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide in terms of it being a disinfectant. And I guess rubbing alcohol kills most things, everything in five seconds. And a hydrogen peroxide takes five minutes or something.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, okay. [crosstalk 00:07:36] it's dry I think?
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. I'm guessing.
Mimi Maclean:
You make all of your stuff. You don't buy any brand.
Luci Petlack:
It's a mix of things. I haven't been yet to make a window cleaner that my husband thinks does the job. I recently bought, I think, Ever Spring. And don't go out and quote me and say, "Oh, well, Luci said use this brand. So, therefore, it's fine." It's cleaner at least. But [crosstalk 00:07:59].
Mimi Maclean:
I just interviewed actually one of the CEOs for ECOS, E-C-O-S, I think it is.
Luci Petlack:
I love ECOS. We use their dish soap. We use their laundry soap. They have unscented everything and I-
Mimi Maclean:
And hers is pure, real. I know we talked about this with the bad-ass [inaudible 00:08:13]. We talked about people green wash, where they say it's clean, and it's really not. Her stuff is pure. She went through... It's good.
Luci Petlack:
Yes. I love it. I love that brand. And then, we have here in Sacramento, there's a refill store that I like to go to. So, I take my empty containers or jars. And one of the main brands that they have is ECOS. And so, I love them. There's actually refill stores all over if you know where to find them. They just tend to be little holes in the wall.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, wow. Like ECOS, just ECOS refill places? Or any kind of?
Luci Petlack:
It's a private, local one, but they buy the brand in bulk, and then, you can just refill whatever you want. And so, the purpose of the refill story is to cut back on all of the individual plastic bottles or whatever and transportation to move them around. So, that's them. But I also find out about a lot of clean cleaning brands from the store.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, got it. Yeah. Yeah. Talking about plastics. That's a good one, a good segue. Because I don't think people realize how bad plastics are for your body and for the earth. And everything is plastic in our house. Do you have any tips about that, how to reduce the plastic in our house?
Luci Petlack:
Oh gosh. Once you start realizing where plastic is, it's an overwhelming experience. So, try not to think about it too hard, I would say. I, again, this really depends on what works well for you. As much as possible, and this is very hard during a pandemic, I try not to get cups for my coffee. I love coffee. I don't want to stop drinking coffee out, but I try to take my reusable cup as much as possible. During these pandemic times, probably half the coffee shops I go to will take my cup. The other half won't. But then, I just ask them to make it in a for here cup, and I pour it into my cup.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, okay.
Luci Petlack:
So, it's a way to get around it. Food's a little bit harder. I have never had so many plastic and styrofoam, I hate styrofoam, to-go containers as I have this year, but we've been going to a lot of local restaurants trying to keep them open.
Mimi Maclean:
And then, you have Pyrex is super important for people. If you are still using plastic containers, throw them out and go buy a Pyrex. Super important. And whatever you do, do not, do not, do not microwave plastic.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. Those are the two big lessons with plastic. One is they don't do well with heat. Then you start to change things. And so, anything that's hidden in there starts to come out. And then, the other one is anything acidic will start to break it down. And I actually used to get headaches from my reusable plastic tumblers from coffee because the coffee would slowly start to break it down. And then, after a few months, I'd noticed every time I had coffee, I was having a headache, not from the coffee. And I realized that I needed to ditch my plastic cups. And now, I have a stainless steel coffee cup. The lid is still plastic, but my straw is made out of glass.
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah. Well, I never knew that about the coffee. I would never have thought that with the acidic.
Luci Petlack:
So, anything acidic, I find my water bottle, when I've used plastic water bottles in the past... You know some restaurants will put lemon in their water?
Mimi Maclean:
Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Luci Petlack:
So, if you get some of that, and it's very... I hate lemon in the water because I'm such a water purist, I guess. But if that goes into my water bottle or the little spigot at the soda fountain. They have lemonade and water will share. I always have to flush it out, flush out the lemonade before I fill up my water because the acid will get in there, and then, I'll start to notice that I don't feel great.
Mimi Maclean:
Wow. That's amazing. Yeah.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. It's so funny how you start to go so far one way that the thing that used to be so normal... Why should I feel? And we still have plastic in our lives. We're- [crosstalk 00:11:38]
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah. As much as you can, really... Because I learned from being sick, from my doctor, that plastic actually changes your mitochondria. And so, when your mitochondria is not working is what's causing all your issues and why you can't... You're not going to get better until your mitochondria is fixed. And your mitochondria won't be fixed if you keep getting any kind of plastic... What do you use for cooking? Because I know you're not supposed to use any kind of non-stick.
Luci Petlack:
I have mostly American Kitchen cookware. So, it looks like All Clad. I registered for All Clad stuff when I got married. It's really expensive. And so, it's really nice. And I let it get dirty a lot more easily, really annoying to clean. But my American Kitchen cookware, I love it. It's not as heavy. It's not nearly as expensive. And I think it's just stainless steel. You just have to get used to cooking with oil.
Mimi Maclean:
And without non-stick, right?
Luci Petlack:
And if you use better oils, then it's not so bad. So, yeah, I do that.
Mimi Maclean:
For just people who don't know, the nonstick, you don't want the non-stick even though it's easier to cook, especially if you're making eggs or something, because if you scrape it, it comes off. So, when you see the lines, that chemical of nonstick, that's what you're eating, which is super bad for you.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. And honestly, I cannot be bothered to remember to always use exactly the right utensil on my pan.
Mimi Maclean:
[crosstalk 00:12:59].
Luci Petlack:
I don't know. I prefer just my... I like a, I guess they call it a fish turner, and that's my main utensil when I'm cooking. It's metal, I got metal, and I just get in there and flip [inaudible 00:13:10].
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah. That was so true. But the other thing that people, I think, make a mistake about, and I would love to see if you have a brand, is candles. The generic candles that people use are just so toxic, the smell, the paraffin, and the smells that they use are not natural. Is there any brand that's an essential oil brand that you use?
Luci Petlack:
Well, okay. One, on the candle conversation, I just learned about candles and the toxicity problems probably last year. I've started buying beeswax candles. And so, a local place will have beeswax, but don't quote me so much on this, but beeswax candles actually can help clean out your air or purify your air, whereas the other ones are polluting your air. And you can get them with scents, but I don't. I just get them unscented. If you really like scents, my favorite thing to do is a stove top air freshener. You just put water in a pan. And then, my favorite combinations are a cinnamon stick, some whole cloves. And then, your house smells fall.
Mimi Maclean:
You just put water at a simmer?
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. I boil it first because I'm impatient. I'm just being honest here. I boil it first. And then, you just turn it down to a simmer, and you can just keep refilling water in there. This last week, I did it, and I used fresh sage and thyme, I think. And then, I put in some cloves. So, yeah, actually, I have a blog post that I will send to you. I have used dehydrated citrus. But anyway, you can use fresh or dried. You can throw apple cores in there. And you can do that in a bowl of hot steaming water. I have a two year old, so I'm not putting bowls of hot steaming water anywhere around my house. But the scent of it, if you really need some kind of a cleansing scent.
Luci Petlack:
Or my husband cooks bacon, and I hate the smell of bacon. So, I do it... He hates when I cook kale. So, we do it for each other's needs. But the stove top air freshener thing, if you really want to scent in your home, it's very natural. You pick what goes in there. I like playing around with different scents.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, that's neat.
Luci Petlack:
So, that's been good. In terms of essential oils, I recently discovered Far and Wild. And so, I like them. They don't have the biggest selection because they're not one of those huge markets, but they're trying to sustainably source all of their essential oils, which I think is good. And then, I've used Vitruvi in the past. I think they're kind of expensive. And then, yeah, my refill store has, I think it's Aura Cacia. So, I trust that that's a good brand because they're carrying it.
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah. Do you put an alarm on, so you don't forget about your pot on simmer?
Luci Petlack:
That would be a good idea. Sometimes, my husband has to turn it off.
Mimi Maclean:
Because I could see me trying to burn the house down because I've forgot that it was going.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. And once there's no more water in there, that becomes a problem. Yes. [crosstalk 00:15:48].
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah, it's true.
Luci Petlack:
See, now we're getting down to the nitty gritty.
Mimi Maclean:
It's true.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah, I would set a timer. The wild part about this is once it boils, within two or three minutes, you will smell it. It's a very fast thing. And honestly, it gets rid of the bacon smell, or kale, or whatever you hate really quickly. So, you don't even need to leave it on if you just want a quick scent change. But if you like it to keep simmering, yeah, definitely keep an eye on it.
Mimi Maclean:
Do you use any specific air filter or system in your house?
Luci Petlack:
Mimi Maclean:
How about for sprays, for bug or any [crosstalk 00:16:23]?
Luci Petlack:
We just moved into our house two years ago. And thankfully, we haven't had ants indoors. However, there are a lot of natural bug sprays, which will be water and maybe soap, and then, either tea tree oil or peppermint even. Almost all bugs and animals hate those smells. So, in my garden, I had ants on some of my plants. And then, I had some stinker got in my carrots last year. I sound like an old gardener. So, anyway, and again, I have those recipe, but I think it's water, castile soap, which is a vegetable glycerin based. And then, you put in a few drops of essential oils and spray them.
Luci Petlack:
And the thing is, as opposed to the commercial ones that have strong, scary stuff in there where you maybe spray once, and they're all gone. This one you might have to use once a week or every four or five days, but it works the same. And even I've heard, there's a Mrs. Meyers, I think it's a peppermint spray or something like that, that's a counter cleaner. My sister used that at her house, and then, she didn't have ants anymore for years.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, wow. That's great.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. So, there are easy ways. Just, again, Google.
Mimi Maclean:
You could drive yourself crazy, but I- [crosstalk 00:17:30]
Luci Petlack:
I do, on the regular. Yes.
Mimi Maclean:
No, but what I tell people is even if you just take every time you're out of a product, just try to buy another one. And now, they're so more prevalent that the prices have come down. There used to be a huge difference in cost between organic and non-organic or things that are healthier. But now, I feel like the price is getting more closer to each other [crosstalk 00:17:52].
Luci Petlack:
It's getting more [crosstalk 00:17:53].
Mimi Maclean:
So, I feel like when you run out of your laundry detergent, switch. Just, you can slow... It makes a difference, right? All these things.
Luci Petlack:
Oh yeah. And slowly. That's the biggest thing because whatever change you're trying to make in your life, it's hard to just flip the switch overnight. So, just slowly work... That's how I did my makeup. Every time I just ran out of one thing, then I gave myself that time to figure out what to do next. And I like to think anybody who's questioning why I care about clean beauty or cleaning products and stuff like that, I tell them, well, do you look at the ingredient labels of the food that you're eating? Which we're avid ingredient label readers. My husband follows the low FODMAP diet. It's this whole thing. Anyway, if people who have IBS who suffer from IBS, which my husband doesn't, but he's not that far away from it. They have to follow this diet. So, it's just broken down by foods that are easier to digest.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, okay. All right.
Luci Petlack:
And garlic and onion is not okay.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, really?
Luci Petlack:
Those are the two main big ones for him. So, we have to read everything. I cannot buy pre-made broth. I have to make all of our own broth because it will all have garlic or onion.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, wow.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. And then, I get migraines if I have soy in any grand or decently small quantity even. And anything that has a fake sugar in it will make me break out. I suffered from acne for years because I didn't realize that my chewing gum was my problem.
Mimi Maclean:
Oh, wow.
Luci Petlack:
So, anyway, we're avid ingredient label readers because both of us have... He far more so than I, but anyway, so we do that. And so, I use that same mentality of reading the labels. I just don't know all the words and all the ingredients when it comes-
Mimi Maclean:
If you can't pronounce it, they tell you not to buy it, right?
Luci Petlack:
Yeah, exactly. So, I make my own, as much as I can, make my own cleaning products and [inaudible 00:19:38]. I'm like, well, I have baking soda. I have corn starch. I have vinegar. I have water. I actually ran out of face wash a few weeks ago and used my book to make my own face wash. And I super like it. I think I may continue to do this, but it's the same...
Mimi Maclean:
Switch over. You also save a lot of money.
Luci Petlack:
So much money. If only I could find a beauty serum that made me look so nice. But yeah. So, just pick and choose. And then, this is not on the topic of health concerns, but I found that with a lot of this switched over to making stuff ourselves or just not buying all this other extra stuff, then we save what money to pay for them, more things. So, we bought an electric car this year, which is something that we really wanted to do. But we've been able to save up because I don't binge shop anymore, and I don't buy candles willy-nilly, and all this stuff.
Mimi Maclean:
And you're probably healthier, so you don't have to go to the doctor's.
Luci Petlack:
Sometimes. No, most of the time, I'm pretty good. We still have Cheez-Its and Oreos, but that's a good for the soul thing. But yeah.
Mimi Maclean:
Is there anything else? I think we covered everything. I'm trying to think if there's anything else, somebody who is trying to detox their life, your cleaning supplies, your makeup, your shampoo, especially your body lotion is huge. Because think about that, it's the biggest organ in your body, and it's going into your bloodstream. So, I tell people, start there. If you don't want to change, start with your lips and start with your-
Luci Petlack:
And it can be inexpensive. Yeah. So, actually the two least expensive things I buy probably are my chapstick and my body lotion. So, I use Dr. Bronner unscented chapstick. I bought the six pack. It's in every room in my house, and I love it. It's the best chapstick I've ever used. I think Target sells it too, so it's a few bucks. And then, I use the Alba, A-L-B-A, unscented body lotion, also available at Target in a huge, unfortunately plastic, tub. My refill store also sells that, but not expensive at all. Super simple. So, yeah, those are two huge places. I think that and your food because your food's going inside you.
Mimi Maclean:
Your food, and then, the cleaning. Especially the stuff that you're using in your dishwasher because that's what you're drinking too, right? That whatever you're using. And then, the other thing is that we talked about is the microwave. That's just super, just not healthy at all.
Luci Petlack:
We don't own a microwave.
Mimi Maclean:
I know.
Luci Petlack:
Not because I even have any strong opinions. But we lived in an apartment where it had it, and we moved into our new house, and my husband was like, "Where's the microwave?" And I was like, "Oh, I don't know." But I don't have any counter space for that.
Mimi Maclean:
We didn't have one in our house, and we rented our house, and the renters showed up, and they're like, "Where's the microwave?" And we're like, "We don't use one." And they're like, "Well, we want one." I'm like, "Well, then go buy one." I don't know what to tell you. We don't use them. They're super bad for you.
Luci Petlack:
[crosstalk 00:22:21] Yeah. You just have to get used to... You know what the best thing? If you're not going to do the microwave, is we have a toaster oven.
Mimi Maclean:
I know, the little ones.
Luci Petlack:
And not a big. Yes, the small one.
Mimi Maclean:
The one on the counter.
Luci Petlack:
Because I bought my mom a big one, and it takes too long to toast a piece of bread.
Mimi Maclean:
Yeah. The small one, it literally cooks up everything so fast, like an oven, but it's quick.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. That's how I cook in the summer because I refuse to turn it... We live in Sacramento where it's easily over 100 a lot. Yeah. So, I roast all our veggies in the summer just in our little toaster oven.
Mimi Maclean:
Have you ever bought anything? I just found them for the first time, is Thrive. Is it thrive.com? Thrive Market, whatever.
Luci Petlack:
Thrive Market, yeah.
Mimi Maclean:
They have everything. It's all healthy, healthier version of Amazon.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. I haven't bought anything, but I know about them. And I also know about Grove Collaborative. And they have more cleaning products, and skincare, and stuff like that. But they're also trying to be cleaner and sustainable. But no, I haven't bought from them. But that doesn't mean anything.
Mimi Maclean:
The other thing I should mention, because I don't know if you... The Environmental Working Group app, do you have?
Luci Petlack:
Mimi Maclean:
Do you use that app? What is that called again? Skin Deep? No, what is it?
Luci Petlack:
I think it's just the EWG.
Mimi Maclean:
Luci Petlack:
Let me pull it up. I have that one. I have another too, but I think that one's better.
Mimi Maclean:
[crosstalk 00:23:29]. I thought they renamed it.
Mimi Maclean:
And that, for anybody who's listening-
Luci Petlack:
Oh, healthy live, EWG healthy living.
Mimi Maclean:
Healthy Living app. And you can go into a store and just zap the label, the UPC code, and it pops up with a rating.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. I will warn everybody, if you're new to this, I did that. I downloaded the app two or three years. Oh, it must've been more than that because we lived in LA at the time. Four years ago, let's say. Downloaded the app, walked into the store, and I started scanning.
Mimi Maclean:
Everything was yellow or red.
Luci Petlack:
And half the stuff wasn't popping up there. Yeah. It was either like, oh, this is problematic or sorry, no idea. Report it to us, and we'll go through. So, I ended up leaving the store without lotion after a half an hour of searching on the app. So, I would say it's better to do your homework on the app before. But the thing that's great is let's say you put in your product, and it's like, oh, not okay. It'll give you recommendations for what you think is good. And then, you start to see what brands... I'm going to put a caveat at the end of this conversation. But what brands keep reappearing and reappearing. Here's the thing to watch out for with that if you're really, really trying to be all clean, is that just because a brand makes a lot of really clean products doesn't mean that all of their products are clean. And I think some of the bigger brands are cashing in on the fact that they're known for being clean. And so, just watch out for that.
Mimi Maclean:
And see where it's made.
Luci Petlack:
[crosstalk 00:24:50] a very frustrating thing.
Mimi Maclean:
Right? Because that's a big thing. If it's made in China, because it's like, just because it's organic, the water they may be using there might not be clean. It might say...
Luci Petlack:
Of course, sustainably speaking, that took a lot to transport that thing to your local store.
Mimi Maclean:
No, it's true.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. It's hard. Honestly, there's too many things that we have to worry about and figure out. But that's why I always tell people we're doing this together.
Mimi Maclean:
Yep. So, anybody can find you at Luci with an I, morsels.com, and she has a newsletter and blogs that talks about all this and gives you tips. And not just sustainable living, but also, just lifestyle, great advice.
Luci Petlack:
Thanks. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm also on Instagram. Feel free to send me messages, questions, anything like that. I love talking about this stuff and learning from everybody.
Mimi Maclean:
Awesome. Thank you so much, Luci. I really appreciate it.
Luci Petlack:
Yeah. Thank you.
Mimi Maclean:
Each week, I will bring you different voices from the wellness community so that they can share how they help their clients heal. You will come away with tips and strategies to help you get your life back. Thank you so much for coming on, and I am so happy you were here. Subscribe now and tune in next week if you want to learn how I detox. And do you want to check out my detox for Lyme checklist, go to lyme360.com/detoxchecklist. You can also join our community at Lyme 360 Warriors on Facebook, and let's heal together. Thank you.