The Lyme 360 Podcast: Heal+

EP 85: WAVE1 Event with FREmedica Founder Stephen Davis and Dr. Pyne

Mimi MacLean

Last week, I was a part of the Chase the Wave event hosted by FREmedica where we deep-dived into the revolutionary and groundbreaking WAVE1 device. I joined founder and CEO, Stephen Davis and Lyme doctor Keith Pyne.

Tune in to hear our discussion on how the WAVE1 decide works and is transforming Lym Warriors' lives.

You can use code Lyme360 to save 10% off a WAVE1 device purchase - shop here!

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 Mimi MacLean:
Hi, everyone. Welcome and thank you for coming today. I am so excited to share with you a Lyme treatment that I came across that has been helpful to many in their Lyme journey. It is the WAVE 1, which I have right here. My name is Mimi MacLean and I'm a chronic Lyme patient that decided to start a podcast to share my Lyme journey. It's called Lyme 360 and I interview practitioners and influencers in the Lyme community to help with others in their healing journey.

Mimi MacLean:
Tonight, we also have... I want to thank FREmedica, it is the company that produces the WAVE 1. And it was incorporated in 2016 with a technology that delivers frequencies into the body via light to help people recover from Lyme disease. Over the first few years, the technology evolved through several iterations of the WAVE 1. And it's a wearable device that's easy to use every day. The proprietary WAVE 1 light wave frequency technology optimizes cell function to provide strong immune support. Clients report a better state of being, fewer mood swings, improved sleep, better digestion, sharpened mental acuity and cognitive function, as well as decreased pain levels and increased energy as they move through their days.

Mimi MacLean:
There will be a drawing at the end for a free WAVE 1, so stay tuned. If a person's name is drawn and they are not present, a new name will be drawn. The winner must be present in order to win. And this is valued at 1,650 US Dollars.

Mimi MacLean:
Our first guest in our start is Dr. Keith Pyne. And Dr. Pyne will share insights and we will learn about his personal battle with Lyme. Dr. Keith Pyne is a championship winning sports' consultant and Lyme survivor. As a performance... Sorry, my notes just disappeared. Sorry about that.

Mimi MacLean:
As a performance and recovery consultant to some of the world's top athletes and championship winning sports teams, Keith faced a personal competition with Lyme for many years. He celebrated his victory over the disease as part of the Toronto Raptors winning NBA championship team and being part of the winning MLB World Series wins. One with the Washington Nationals and the other with the LA Dodgers.

Mimi MacLean:
Tonight, Dr. Pyne shares both his personal and professional perspectives through his own quest to overcome Lyme disease. Recognized as the body whisperer, he strongly believes in making frequency technology a critical adjunct in the wellness toolbox when dealing with Lyme. Thank you, Dr. Pyne so much for coming on tonight. I would love to start out with you briefly just telling us about your Lyme journey, how you came to find the WAVE 1?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
I had Lyme. It started in 2014. I was taking my pilot's license and every time I got to 3000 feet and I used to travel a lot with teams and players. I'd get to 3000 feet and my heart would just race. And I thought, "God, am I having a heart attack." And so, it went on and I just started getting brain fog. Back then, Lyme wasn't... The testing wasn't good and there wasn't a lot of objective testing that you would do. And most MDs didn't know what it was or they knew what it was, but they didn't know test for it.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And so, I had... Just by chance, I was working with Dr. Morrison in the city. I used to take a lot of my top athletes to him for IVs. And I was taking in Manny Pacquiao to get an IV. And he goes, "Keith, I have this new test." It was a year after I had these problems. And I just thought maybe I'm having anxiety, whatever it was. And then I came back and I had positive Lyme. And so, he put me on doxy right away. And the heart palpitations did go away pretty much, but then all the other things started to spin. I was on Biaxin and doxy for a long time, Levaquin for a long time. And then there's the side effects of all that antibiotic treatment that I went through. I went through 13 months of that. The last time we spoke, I was in a unique position as a practitioner and dealing with high level sports. I had access to a lot of very unique cutting edge doctors.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
I flew to Germany three times to get a thing called exosomes. And so, exosomes is a precursive to stem cell and it's an immune modulator also. And from that, I would send Kobe and all these guys would go to Germany after I went, but it was very [inaudible 00:05:06] to up-regulate my immune system to combat Lyme. So I went there a bunch and then stem cell four times in Mexico. And I had chelation done by Dr. Morrison. 30 times I went to the Dominican Republic, had dialysis done seven times, but to oxygenate the blood and do peroxide treatments and take away the biofilm. And so it was more of a biofilm to attack the selfness of the virus, right?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And so, I had this unique journey, because I could talk to... People wanted to be with the people I was with and I could talk to them about my journey and they would say, "Hey, I got this guy. He's a brilliant guy." And then we would start to dialogue. And so it was a unique, very similar to Yolanda's [inaudible 00:05:55] it's like, "God, I did most of these things." There's a couple things she didn't do that I did. And I had rife machines at my house and I had a Douglas Coil also. I bought a coil. I should say I didn't use it a lot because it was quite a big unit.

Mimi MacLean:
And my husband's like, " [inaudible 00:06:18] " I have one of those two and he makes fun of me.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
You get one and it had some effects, but nothing ever knocked it out. And then I was getting stem cell from a gentleman in California. And he had told me about this WAVE 1. This is after 13 years, going through this journey.

Mimi MacLean:
13 years you were going through all these treatments?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
I had 14 years from... I got diagnosed in 2004 and I got fixed in 2018.

Mimi MacLean:
14 Years and just countless amount of money, right?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
You have just no idea how much money.

Mimi MacLean:
We could be retired sitting on the beach.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Yeah. I could be doing a lot of that. But it was a personal journey. You're a high functioning individual and you have brain fog. And I used to live in New York city. You couldn't go to dinner. Relationships were very difficult because you didn't want to be around a lot of stimuli. But then work becomes difficult and you're dealing with patients all day long. And at six o'clock when the dusk comes, for some reason the organism, you start getting in this... Because you have neuro fatigue at that point, you've given everything you got all day and your neuro fatigue is so high.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Anyways, back to San Francisco. I went to California, got the stem cells, had a great reaction. And then I heard from this... He told me about Steven and about this device.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And I said, "Wow, I never heard of this thing." And I was pretty up on the techy stuff, just from the onset of the problem. And so I called Steven, he gave me his number and he says, "I have one device left." And I was in San Francisco and there was a direct flight to Victoria from San Francisco. And so I just hopped on the flight and went to see him. And Stewart looked at me and there was obviously a mold issue and a bunch of other things that they found. And I said to him, "I'm going to do this objectively. I'm going to get my DNA tested from DNA connections. And I'm going to give you all your co-factors. These are my co-factors."

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And I don't know if they're going to show them later on. And so each quarter where there was a screening three months or two months or whatever it was, I would retest. And just to make sure it was actually working because I had done everything. I had this fortune, literally fortune to get where we were. Anyway, so that's how I came across WAVE 1. And that's when the journey started with WAVE 1.

Mimi MacLean:
Wow. During that time from 2017 to 2018, were you doing any other new things or was that pretty much the only new thing that you were tackling on?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Last time I said no, but I remember doing chelation just for general wellbeing. And if there was any biofilm to not go the bio, we did chelation in DMSO together. And I did it a couple of times at Dr. Morrison's office, maybe three times, but that was over a year period.

Mimi MacLean:
It was inconsistent.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
You smell like garlic after, so you really can't do anything for people, right? So anyways, that's my journey. Your camera...

Mimi MacLean:
Once you started wearing it in July, how long before you were actually, did you notice, "Oh, wait. I'm feeling better." You were able to see improvement.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
I said to Steven and the people there.... It was slow progress. I didn't see, like I went, "Wow. Yeah, I'm better." It's just like, "Oh, wow. I got an extra 15 minutes of sleep tonight." Sleep was a big issue for me. And then I would say I could go into like a buffet type place that you can only stay a half hour in a restaurant and that kind of stuff. Then if I did go to a restaurant, it had to be a quiet place where the music isn't bumping and I could start to progress towards that. And I remember getting the last stuff from DNA connections in April of 18, where it was gone, right?

Mimi MacLean:

Dr. Keith Pyne:
My life from there, I went on to dive into sports again. I was always a consultant in professional sports and I dove in. And then I won with the Red Sox too, but had won three world series and an NBA championship. And I was a consultant for the New York Islanders. And I really could take more on.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And I could do more things and use my brain better and not be challenged that way.

Mimi MacLean:
So after May, 2018, do you still wear it? Did you stop wearing it?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Oh yeah. Yeah. I wear it all the time. We fly a lot here and so there's always microbes and stuff. So I just wear it when we fly and I wear it sometimes before I go to bed, I'll just have it on. I keep it on all night. That sort of thing.

Mimi MacLean:
Mm-hmm (affirmative) That's great. So is there anything else that you'd like to share with anyone? I know you're catching a bus to a game, so I don't want to keep you long. But is there anything else that we haven't covered that you think would be important for people to know?

Dr. Keith Pyne:
It's a great therapy. For me it worked really well. And I had done, as I said earlier, a lot of different modalities. I think that on the Lyme perspective, you don't realize all the things you've compensated for by having Lyme, until it goes away.

Mimi MacLean:
Until you feel better, again. You forget how bad it is. It's like moving...

Dr. Keith Pyne:
You've compensated. You don't go to restaurants. I became an introvert sort and maybe you have kids and all that. I don't know how you do that. Because it just requires so much neuro activity.

Mimi MacLean:
Cranky all the time.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Yeah. You're cranky. You'll sleep well. So you don't realize all the things that were stripped from how you interact, your relationships with people, your social interaction. I'm in sports and I like to be in stadiums. I didn't like to be in stadiums because of noise.

Mimi MacLean:
Noise and then movement. I don't know how you did buses and stuff like that. I can't.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
A headset, Bose headset noise cancellation on and just go my way. But you don't realize that, everyone thinks you're like this recluse and you're like, "That's not who I am," but your personality changes. And then when that starts to unwind... I'm a foodie so I like good food and all this stuff. So you realize all the compensations you've had, I guess, as it goes away, you understand this. As it goes away, you start to say, "All the things that I've compensated become better" and you start to unwind those and you start to realize those become habitual patterns that you get rid of and you have to go through that part of it. So that's one thing I wanted to address is one of the things I recognize within my own self was all the compensations I've made in behavior that started to go away as I got more neuro capacity, more ability to be out in public and go to restaurants and interact.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And you don't want to watch a movie and sit there that sort of behavior. You become more mentally curious. Those things are important to me because that's who I am, the mental curiosity in developing curiosity and all that, it really was something that was regained because it was sort of stripped from you. You're always thinking survival, how do I get through today? How do I avoid these things for survival? And then you move out of survival into living again. And living becomes living again. I could say that I moved into the living part pretty good last three years or so.

Mimi MacLean:
Years. I didn't do this on my journey. I kind of regret not doing it, but did you keep a journal so that you could almost look back? I would almost recommend anybody who starts on this. If you do get a WAVE 1 almost start so you can see your progress. Like you said, because it might be a little incremental every day, but all of a sudden you'll look back. It's like losing weight. You don't realize it until you look back two months later and you're like, "Wait, I did lose 10 pounds", or "Oh wow. I didn't use to be able to drive in a car and now I can", or "Now I can walk 10 miles instead of just getting out of bed." I didn't do that and I wish I kind of kept track a little bit more because then you'd appreciate once you do make that progress.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
For me it was... I have an identical twin brother.

Mimi MacLean:
Oh wow.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
And he saw my progression, like my ability... I ran the Washington National baseball team. [inaudible 00:16:11] it became better and better. And I went to the Dodgers. It was even better and better. And so I was able to... My input intellectual capacity was greater. And so I didn't collect a journal, but I had someone there to mirror me all the time and tell me where I was. He was my identical twin and he could mirror me all the way through and tell me like, "Hey, you look good today. You look tired." He knew my schedule, but it wasn't his schedule. He didn't have Lyme so it wasn't an issue. But he knew my schedule. He knew when I started to fade, get fatigue, what we had to do. We didn't go out and we didn't meet friends or anything like that. Just kind of, "Hey, hang low." Just did our own thing.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great. Well thank you so much Dr. Pyne for coming on. I really appreciate your time.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Pleasure meeting you.

Mimi MacLean:
And good luck tonight, on tonight's game.

Dr. Keith Pyne:
Yeah, we're playing the Jazz tonight. So should be a good game.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great. Okay. So second up we have Janice Clipper and she's a customer service rep for FREmedica. And Janice is an invaluable asset on the FREmedica service team. And she understands what people are going through because she is also a Lyme survivor. She's extremely knowledgeable about the WAVE 1 and it's user experience, including her own. Janice loves to make a positive difference in the lives of many. For nearly 10 years prior to joining FREmedica team, Janice was a licensed practical nurse and supported medically fragile children transitioning from BC children's hospital back to their family home. Today Janice will show us the WAVE 1 and we'll talk about how easy it is to set up and use and where. She'll also talk about the Wave assistant app and how you can make adjustments on the program to maximize effectiveness. Janice, thank you so much for your time tonight.

Janice Clipper:
Thank you Mimi. I really appreciate being here. I'm really happy to be with you and also I'm a little bit nervous because it's my first live Zoom. Just wanted to share that. So as you said and as Dr. Keith Pyne said, the WAVE 1 is very easy to wear and it's used with a Wave assistant app, which you download on your computer. So when I'm ready to wear the WAVE 1 as Mimi already showed it. This is what the device looks like with a strap. It comes with three sizes of straps. So when I'm ready to wear it, I just turn it on. The blue button on the top here, I hold it down for about one second and an indicator light will come on the end of the device right here. And that shows that the frequencies are being delivered through the LED lights. If you can see that. So I like to wear mine on my forearm. That's where I find it most comfortable, but you can wear it on your arm or leg or wherever you like to wear it.

Mimi MacLean:
Sometimes when I wear it on my leg, I always feel like I'm like under house arrest when I'm out and about and I have it around my ankle.

Janice Clipper:
Exactly. I wear mine a little bit just where my calf starts. So it's not on the bony part.

Mimi MacLean:

Janice Clipper:
But yes, house arrest. It looks like that for sure. So I just put that on, turn it on and the sessions are ready to go. It's that simple. You're ready to do your day or wear it at night or wherever you prefer. Now the WAVE assistant app, when you download that on your computer, that's where you're able to make adjustments and everybody has different sensitivities. So you're able to adjust the sensitivity level, the intensity of the frequencies. So for example, when you start with the WAVE 1, what you're seeing right here is you can see phase one of three, and this is the detox session. And each phase is set to run for 30 days. So you'll notice on the detox, there's a parallel bar that goes from left to right and it looks like a smaller sun and a larger sun.

Janice Clipper:
So when you're adjusting the intensity level, you put your mouse right where that ball is and you can move it to the left and to the right. And you'll see right now, this one says level two. And when the devices are shipped out to you, they are set at level two. With stress and anxiety you'll see that that is set for 30 minutes at level two. And same with the balance and restore. The other thing that you can adjust with the WAVE 1 as well is you'll notice on the stress and anxiety, right by where it says 30 minutes, there's a little black triangle, that's a little dropdown menu. You can click on there. And that gives you the ability to increase the time for the stress and anxiety. And you'll also notice on the balance and restore. There's a little black triangle there as well by the eight hours.

Janice Clipper:
And that's a dropdown menu where you can adjust the time for that as well. So the other thing is when you've run the session, phase one for 30 days, the next day when you connect to the app, you're going to have the ability to advance to phase two or you can delay advancing and stay on the detox session if you like. So those are just a couple of the things that you're able to do as far as streamlining it to whatever works for you the best, according to your sensitivity for the intensity levels and advancing through each phase of the Lyme program. So that's basically it. You're ready.

Mimi MacLean:
Now for the one that's for balance, it's eight hours. So you keep the different on for the full eight hours so you can do it when you're sleeping.

Janice Clipper:
Yep. You can wear it when you're sleeping, when you're awake. The balance and restore will go up to eight hours and it will go as low as 30 minutes. So for example, detox is only ever set at 30 minutes, the stress and anxiety, when you're in phase one, you can increase that up to two hours and the balance and restore is up to eight hours. So you can wear that all day or you can wear that at nighttime, whatever you prefer.

Mimi MacLean:
Right. And then after the 90 days, what happen?

Janice Clipper:
After 90 days, you advance to something called Lyme maintenance. And that is essentially the most comprehensive bundles of frequencies delivered by the WAVE 1, which are introduced in phase three. So you're receiving frequencies for detox, for Lyme, co-infections, viruses, bacteria, molds, and parasites, and again, stress and anxiety. And you continue with that. So when Dr. Keith Pyne wears his device and I've had mine for just over three years, I wear mine on Lyme maintenance so I have all the fullness of all the frequencies.

Mimi MacLean:
And you do that every day?

Janice Clipper:
Every day. I have the benefit of that every day.

Mimi MacLean:
And then how long do you keep yours on each day?

Janice Clipper:
I keep mine on for... So I have half an hour of detox and half an hour of Lyme complete and then eight hours of stress and anxiety, because it's a bit of a stressful world right now. So those frequencies really help.

Mimi MacLean:
And then do people expect to Herx from this?

Janice Clipper:
Not with phase one, because with phase one, there aren't any Lyme frequencies yet. Phase two and phase three people may Herx. And again, that depends on what other things you're doing in your body. If you're drinking lots of water, taking Epsom salt baths, doing things like infrared saunas, taking binders, some people Herx, some people don't. And if you do with a Lyme protocol, you may Herx with this, but there're things that you can do to minimize that in your body, by putting those things into practice.

Mimi MacLean:
Now, Janice, you had mentioned that after you get through these three phases, you mentioned mold and co-factors and other parasites for the maintenance phase, does one of these three phases go after the mold and the parasites as well not just the Lyme?

Janice Clipper:
Yep. So phase one is what you see right here. The detox, stress and anxiety balance and restore. Phase two is detox and this is when we introduce frequencies for Lyme and co-infections and again, stress and anxiety. And phase three is when we have that whole comprehensive. So it's the detox, Lyme, co-infections, viruses, bacteria, molds, parasites, and stress and anxiety, and then continuing on with that. So all that is introduced in phase three. And you continue with that as you wear your device, as I say for me over three years now.

Mimi MacLean:
Right. So that's why you want to wear your device. If someone were to purchase this device, you would really want to commit to the 90 days to be able to go through this entire cycle that you just mentioned.

Janice Clipper:
Definitely, absolutely. Definitely commit for the 90 days because each phase prepares you for the next, but you don't quit wearing the device after the 90 days because it depends on what's happening in your body as your immune system goes after the various viruses or bacteria or the Lyme. And then as Dr. Keith Pyne in one of the last Zoom calls we have is these things have different life cycles as well. So you continue to wear your WAVE 1. For example, when you're flying, things like Mycoplasma are very contagious. So I would want to have my device on. I sort of look at it like a first line of defense, also to have the benefit of detoxification or if I ever get to buy another tick, I want to make sure that I'm wearing my WAVE 1, because I don't want to go through what I did before. Definitely the first three phases they're in preparation. And then you continue on the Lyme maintenance ,continue to wear your device.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great. This is amazing information. Is there anything else that I haven't asked you that you would want to cover?

Janice Clipper:
When people purchase a WAVE 1, customer service, we are here to really help people. They get a hold of us through our website, through email, we communicate through email. There's automated email messages that come out related to each phase that they're in, that are there to educate and inspire people. If individuals have any questions or concerns, we also can send a meeting link where individuals can speak to us, have a conversation just to help and guide them. And we're here for you on your Lyme journey.

Mimi MacLean:
Thank you so much Janice for your time and for everything that you're doing for the Lyme community. I really, really appreciate it.

Janice Clipper:
Thank you, Mimi. It's been really good speaking with you. Thanks.

Mimi MacLean:
So last but not least is Steven Davis and he is the CEO of FREmedica. And so Steven Davis, he co-developed the WAVE 1 after years of searching for solutions for his daughter and grandsons when they were diagnosed with Lyme disease. You can hear his full story on the previous Lyme 360 podcast that posted last week, which you can at But today Steven will briefly talk about the WAVE 1 and how it works for the body to help people with Lyme get back their lives. So Steven, thank you so much for your time and for everything you're doing and for donating a device tonight. So I really appreciate it.

Stephen Davis :
Yeah, that's great. Well, we like to see people wearing the devices because we know they're going to get better. And I think if I had one thing to offer up is when you wear this device, you need to wear it the way that we ask you to do it. Because as long as you wear it every day and go through the program the way that we suggest, chances are you're going to get to an outcome that you're looking for. But if you don't, well it's like an antibiotic. If the doctor tells you to take it for seven days or 14 days and you don't, well, you're not going to get better.

Stephen Davis :
And so that's one of the things that we really encourage people to do is just make sure that you wear it the way that you should, that we recommend. It's a very simple device to wear. It's not going to cause any harm. You may Herx but that's usually because you're getting better through a process. Not because it's doing some kind of harm, it's just part of the process. You're going to Herx whether you use antibiotics or other devices, if they're working. But the recommendation for me is to just make sure that you wear it.

Mimi MacLean:
That's good advice.

Stephen Davis :
That's the advice that I'd like to bring.

Mimi MacLean:
Yeah. Would you mind talking just briefly about what light therapy is and why it is good for building up your immune system and also with the Lyme?

Stephen Davis :
Okay. Well, first off these devices, what you're providing is information. And so we felt that the body was one of the best places to penetrate using light, instead of taking it internally, we strap it on. And when you strap that on, your cells have been designed to retain that light. And when they retain that light, they're retaining our frequencies, which is helping the immune system with the communication that it needs to overcome the health issues at hand. And in this case it's around Lyme disease. And so really supporting the immune system. That's where the strength comes in from our device.

Mimi MacLean:
And you have programmed it with different frequencies or light frequencies, depending on if it's Lyme... You spend a lot of time doing that. Can you talk briefly about that?

Stephen Davis :
Yeah, you'll see different colors of lights on the device and color has a frequency attached to that. We don't care about the color, that particular frequency, we're using the light just as a carrier to carry a package of frequencies into the body because when you're dealing with Lyme disease, you can't deal with it using one frequency at a time. And so we'll have up as many as 70 frequencies going into the body all at the same time, because that's the way that we've been seeing success with our technology. And so it's not the colors that you're relating to. It's the frequencies that we stack on top of that. And that light just carries it into the body and then yourselves pick it up.

Mimi MacLean:
Oh, that's great. Now I have had a couple people reach out since the last week's podcast asking like, "Hey, I already have a rife machine. I have a coil machine." Can you talk a little bit about the difference and what makes you guys unique? And what's the difference in technology between the two?

Stephen Davis :
Well, one, I believe that all technology that's using frequencies to help overcome a health issue, I would encourage to explore those avenues. The difference between some of the other tech and ours is probably focus. Our company is focused on Lyme disease. That's what we do. And these other technologies they're good technologies because they're using frequencies. And I obviously believe in frequencies, but their focus isn't on Lyme disease. Their focus is on lots of different things. And when you're only using one frequency at a time going into a body, I don't think you've got a chance to overcome particularly Lyme disease. And so the difference is we come at it with a package of frequencies and we're focused on Lyme disease and the co-infections. And I think that's the difference. I just think that their focus is a little bit different from ours, but they're using frequencies. And so it can feel like or look or sound like it's doing the same thing, but it's not. And I think it's just because our company focuses on the problem at hand and that's why.

Mimi MacLean:
I'd also say, if I could throw in something because I also own other devices like that, this you can take on the road with you. It's easy. I can strap it on and my day can go or I can strap it and then go to sleep where I'm not sitting in a chair and taking up a significant amount of time to do it.

Stephen Davis :
That's right. I wear mine every day and I put mine on at night as well.

Mimi MacLean:

Stephen Davis :
And I've never had Lyme disease.

Mimi MacLean:
That's probably why, right? What percentage of people find that the WAVE 1 helps them?

Stephen Davis :
Well, I don't know. I would say that we'd be 80% plus. That's usually a pretty good debate between me and Stewart. Stewart's my partner, because I think frequencies, I would say a hundred percent of the time are going to do something good in the body. It's bringing good communication. Do people overcome a 100% of everything that's wrong with them? Well, I would have to say no. But a 100% of the things that are going wrong in their bodies, isn't because of Lyme disease either. Again, our focus is on Lyme disease. And so if they have Lyme disease, they're going to find relief with using our tech.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great. And then also, I know we talked about this before, but you have a very generous money back guarantee. So I would love for you to just talk about that. So for anybody who's interested in tonight. I know a lot of people who are listening are probably in the same boat where I was. You've tried everything. I've collected gadgets. I have spent so much money on contraptions that my husband makes fun of me for, "Not another one." And so I know you have a very generous return policy. So can you just talk about that?

Stephen Davis :
Well, we give the return policy for a couple reasons. One, we want people to go through a six month... We give a six month money return policy. And we do that because we want them to feel comfortable to not be watching a timeframe. If we said it was 30 days, they're going to be looking for some kind of result in 30 days and they're going to be disappointed. Or if it's 90 days, they're still going to be looking for that result in that 90 days. And some people can't go through the whole program within 90 days. And so we just thought as a company, because we don't get returns, that let's eliminate that barrier. Let's create a six month return policy to give people a chance. To not worry about spending money, but they can concentrate on getting better and what the device is doing for them. And it seems to be working.

Mimi MacLean:
So is there anything else that we haven't covered that you or any other advice that you would give?

Stephen Davis :
I think that the biggest thing for me is using it the way that we recommend. We know if you do it the way that we recommend the first 90 days, that's just a way for us to get you going down the right track. 90 day window is not the window. Some people wear these, like Yolanda has worn it every day. I don't know for the last three, four years that she's had a device. Keith wears it every day. I wear it every day. Anybody that I've seen using the device, they wear it every day because they feel better. But there is a time through that 90 days that you might not feels so great. My daughter went through an experience that wasn't the best, but her outcome was awesome. She's been symptom free for five years and she doesn't wear the device every day. And so that's a very good testimony, a good story. If you use it the way we recommend, your outcome is going to be good.

Mimi MacLean:
That's great. So thank you so much, Dr. Pyne and Steven and Janice for your time. We have a winner. So I want to announce that, but first I just want to thank everyone for coming on and learning about this. And I just also want to state, I am doing this. I am not making any money off of this. This is not a thing that I'm doing to make money. I'm doing it because I want everyone to get better. And I feel like this is a cost effective way to invest in your health that has proven to get better. So I just want to put that out there as well. And there is a 10% off code, if you go to their website, and you say Lyme 360, it doesn't matter if it's capital or not, you'll get 10% off by using that as well.

Mimi MacLean:
And okay, so the winner is Phyllis Boyle and somebody from FREmedica will be contacting you and telling you how to send out the device to you. And I also would love to hear from you because maybe we can do a follow up podcast and talk about your journey after the 90 days and how you feel because I would be very interested in hearing that as well. But thank you very much, Steven and Janice for your time. I really appreciate it and I think all of us have the same intentions of just making the world a healthier place for those who are battling Lyme because it's a lonely and expensive disease to have.

Janice Clipper:
Thank you so much, Mimi. Thanks for the opportunity.

Stephen Davis :
Thanks for having us Mimi. And one of the things that I would like to just throw out there that maybe we could do this again in 90 days and we have the person that won come on and let them share their experience so people can hear firsthand of somebody from this particular podcast on what happened.

Mimi MacLean:
Right. No, definitely.

Stephen Davis :
Happy to do that.

Mimi MacLean:
Great. Well thank you so much and have a wonderful holiday and a good night.

Janice Clipper:
Thank you. Good night. Happy holidays.

Mimi MacLean:
Thank you.

Janice Clipper:
Bye Bye.

Mimi MacLean: